Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi
HA 730-F
Mississippi embayment aquifer system
There are two different files for each illustration
- A 72 ppi GIF file, suitable for screen viewing is accessed through
the thumbnail image
- An eps file, suitable for downloading to be printed or edited is accessed
through the "eps file" link. Most files are Adobe Illustrator
6.0, exceptions are noted. These files have been compressed with GNU's
gzip utility. If your web browser defaults to a screen display of the file,
turn on the "Load to local disk" option before downloading. Download
and process these eps files as ascii, not binary.
Figure 65 Map showing extent of the aquifer system (97K)
editable eps file F065.eps.gz
(97K compressed)
Figure 66 Map showing the aquifers in the system (97K)
editable eps file F066.eps.gz
(388K compressed)
Figure 67 Map showing the thickness of the aquifer
system (97K)
editable eps file F067.eps.gz (485K compressed)
Figure 68 Hydrogeologic section of the aquifer system
editable eps file F068.eps.gz
(97K compressed)
Figure 69 Hydrogeologic section of the aquifer system
editable eps file F069.eps.gz
(97K compressed)