The data may be obtained in two forms, including ZIP archive files and ARC/INFO county coverage files.
(1) Change your Web browser options for downloading a data file. For example, if you are using mosaic, select OPTIONS and then click on Load To Local Disk.
(2) Select a compressed (ZIP archive) file to copy to your hard disk (this file is a self-extracting executable file on DOS systems):
-Phosphorus county fertilizer use (1945-85) --zip2.exe
(3) Copy the documentation file, 1st-read.txt, to your hard disk. This file gives instructions for uncompressing the ZIP archive files and decribes the contents and format of the uncompressed ASCII data files. The state and county names corresponding to the state-county FIPS code identifiers are provided in the file, fips_nam.txt.
Documentation file -- cty_fert.txt (14 kilobytes)
Coverage export file -- Select the following file once your Web browser options are changed to download the file to hard disk (use the "COVER" option to import the file to ARC/INFO): cty_fert.e00 (5000 kilobytes)
Annual nitrogen fertilizer use data are also available for 1985-91.
Citation: Battaglin, W.A. and Goolsby, D.A., 1994, U.S. Geological Survey Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4176.