USGS National Computer Technology Meeting: Program and Abstracts, Norfolk, Virginia, May 17-22, 1992

U.S. Geological Survey, Open File Report 92-64

by B.H. Balthrop and E.G. Baker

Table of Contents


Program listing

Plan for evaluating the transfer process of the new National Water Information System

Interactive vectorization of scanned data

Prototyping the transfer process to the National Water Information System-II

Macros for editing geographic information system spatial data bases

Relational data-base-management system for Nevada water-rights information

Design and development of a graphical user interface for the National Water Information System-II

Use of computer-aided software engineering tools in the design and development of the National Water Information System-II

Public domain software for UNIX Systems

Metamorphosis-from personal computers to Distributed Information Systems-II

Multiscale characterization of topographic complexity in Colorado

An interactive environment for hydrologic applications

Computer equipment and software tracking system

An interactive scientific data visualization environment within the X window system

Checking for coding errors in the Master Water Data Index using a geographic information system

Local area network/wide area network telecommunications

Manuscript preparation and Distributed Information System-II - A state-of-the-art approach

A new approach to software testing in the National Water Information System program

Display and query of a “near real-time” hydrologic alert network

Comparison of the National Water Information System-I and the National Water Information System-II

Using a geographic information system to describe the environmental setting of the Red River of the North Basin

Building hydrologic software with partnerships

Moving from a command line user interface to a graphical user interface

A distributed spatial data library for the U.S. Geological Survey

Plans for client-server computation in the general purpose computer center of the U.S. Geological Survey

Comparison of computer procurement trends for the Distributed Information System and other Federal agencies

An interactive computer program (Zee) to plot and manipulate three-dimensional surfaces

Educational opportunities available from the U.S. Geological Survey technology information centers in support of the Distributed Information System-II program

A procedure for transferring ground-water data from INFO to the National Water Information System

A geographic information system data-base-management system for pesticide-application data

Data model for the National Water Information System-II

Demonstration of the National Water Information System-II

Analysis of hardware and software costs for distributed computing, A case study: U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, 1982-92

Implementating software configuration management in the National Water Information System

An assessment of the development methods of a national software system

Source and authority for National Water Information System-II support files

The Laboratory Information Management System

A computer program (TEK-SOFTKEYS) for efficient programming of selected terminal softkeys

Time synchronization methods for the Distributed Information System-II

Development of the National Water Information System-II

Author index





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