Core OL-92 from Owens Lake, southeast California
Age and Correlation of Tephra Layers in Owens Lake Drill Core OL-92-1 and -2
- Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki
- Charles E. Meyer
- Elmira Wan
- Stan Soles
- U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Tephra layers present in the ~320-m-deep bore hole in Owens Lake, Calif.,
were sampled, petrographically described, and the volcanic glass shards
were analyzed by electron-microprobe to chemically characterize the
layers, and correlate them to tephra layers that have been previously
identified and dated. The purpose of this study is to provide additional
age control to paleolimnologic and paleoclimatic studies of the lake
Tephra layers identified are: the Bishop ash bed, ~760 ka, at depths of
~320 to 304 m; the Dibekulewe ash bed, estimated to be ~470 to ~610 ka, at
~224 m; and one of the "Walker Lake" ash beds, estimated to be 60 to 85 ka,
at ~50.7 m. Other tephra layers, the ages of which are poorly
constrained, have also been identified. Age constraints provided from
other lines of evidence in this study, such as a sedimentation rate curve
based on dry bulk density and magnetostratigraphy, provide new age
constraints to the undated or poorly dated tephra layers. An average
sedimentation rate for the 1992 Owens Valley core is 0.41 mm/yr for the
last ~665 ka, compared to 0.35 mm/yr for a core drilled previously into
Owens Lake sediments in 1957.
Tephra (volcanic ash) layers present in cores from the composite 320-m-
deep bore hole drilled in 1992 in Owens Lake, east-central California,
were sampled and chemically analyzed to provide correlation and age
control to a paleolimnologic study of upper Quaternary lake sediments in
this basin. The primary focus of this study is to characterize the
history of climatic fluctuations during the latter part of Quaternary
time. The volcanic glass shards of tephra samples present in the core
were separated and chemically analyzed. Glass compositions were then
compared to those of previously analyzed tephra layers, some of them of
known age. Correlations were identified on the basis of similar
petrographic characteristics, glass chemical composition, and
stratigraphic sequence in the Owens Lake drill hole, and at various
localities in the Western U.S. where the age, correlation, and
stratigraphic sequence of potentially correlative tephra layers have been
previously documented.
Approximately 1 to 3 cm3 (cubic centimeters) of tephra were sampled from
macroscopic tephra layers present in the drill cores, and the volcanic
glass shards from these were separated and analyzed using methods
described by Sarna-Wojcicki and others (1984). In brief: samples were wet-
sieved with water in plastic sieves fitted with nylon screens, and the 200
to 100 mesh size fraction (~80 to 150 mm, respectively) was retained for
separation of glass shards. This fraction was placed in an ultrasonic
vibrator in water, then treated with a 10% solution of HCl acid for a few
minutes, to remove authigenic carbonate adhearing to the glass particles,
and with an 8% solution of HF acid for about 30 seconds to one minute, to
remove other coatings or altered rinds that may have been present on the
glass shards. The glass shards were then separated from other components
of the tephra sample using (1) a magnetic separator and/or (2) heavy
liquids of variable density made from mixtures of methylene iodide and
acetone. The glass separate was mounted in epoxy resin in shallow holes
drilled into plexiglass slides, and the slides were ground-down and
polished with several size grades of diamond paste. The polished sample
was then coated with carbon, and individual shards of some samples were
analyzed using a 9-channel SEMQ electron-microprobe and, subsequently, the
remaining samples with a JEOL electron-microprobe, both instruments at the
U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park, Calif.1 See Sarna-Wojcicki and
others, 1984, and Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1985, for specifics of
analytical conditions.
The SEMQ electron microprobe, a 9-channel instrument, was replaced with a
JEOL electron microprobe, a five-channel instrument, in January of 1993.
Standards and duplicate tephra samples analyzed by the two instruments
indicate that the same results have been obtained with the two instruments.
Samples of volcanic glass shards were analyzed for nine elements: SiO2,
Al2O3, FeO, MgO, MnO, CaO, TiO2, Na2O, and K2O. Widespread tephra layers,
the products of the most voluminous and violent pyrolcastic eruptions, are
generally silicic in composition, containing high concentrations of SiO2,
Al2O3, K2O, and Na2O. Volcanic glasses of such layers generally contain
lower concentrations of FeO and CaO than those of intermediate or basic
composition, but still high enough to be measured with precisions of about
2 to 5%. Silicic tephra contains lower concentrations of MgO, MnO, and
TiO2, often close to detection limits for these oxides. Silicic tephra
erupted from sources in the Cascade Range of the western U.S. (Washington,
Oregon, and northern California) have higher concentrations of these
latter elements than tephra erupted from interior sources within the
craton of the western U.S., such as the Long Valley Caldera and the Mono
Craters (east-central California), the Yellowstone National Park caldera
complex (northwestern Wyoming and east-central Idaho), and the Jemez
Mountains caldera complex (northern New Mexico)(Sarna-Wojcicki and Davis,
1991). Consequently, comparisons of tephra layers for the purpose of
correlation were made with several different combinations of elements,
excluding those elements that are present in small quantities close to the
detection limit in comparisons of some groups of samples.
Results of chemical analysis of the volcanic glass were compared with our
current data base of approximately 3,100 previously analyzed samples of
volcanic glass from late Neogene tephra layers collected within the
conterminous western U.S. and sediments of the adjacent Pacific Ocean
bottom. The best matches were identified using numerical and statistical
programs (SIMANAL and RATIONAL; Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1984). The
best matches were then examined for similarities in petrographic
characteristics and stratigraphic position and sequence (Sarna-Wojcicki
and Davis, 1991). Correlative layers were identified on the basis of
these three main criteria: (1) chemical composition of volcanic glass, (2)
petrographic characteristics, and (3) stratigraphic position and
sequence. Because some of the tephra layers identified in this study have
been previously dated at other sites, we are able to assign correlated
ages, or at least age estimates, to these layers in the Owens Lake core.
This report summarizes results to date. Of 20 samples submitted for
analysis, 17 had a sufficient quantity of volcanic glass shards that they
were considered to be air-fall or reworked tephra layers, or ashy
sediments. The remaining three samples had very few glass shards, in
amounts typical of ambiant concentrations commonly present in fluvial or
eolian sediments in this area. The rare glass shards from these three
samples were not analyzed. Three of the samples analyzed were bimodal;
two different compositions for each of these samples are reported. After
the initial analyses were completed and preliminary identifications were
made, additional samples were collected and examined from specific depth
intervals, where additional tephra layers might be expected to occur based
on known stratigraphic sequences and ages from other sites in the western
U.S. The latter work was undertaken to see if cryptic, disseminated
tephra is present at these depth intervals in the core. Work on 10
additional such samples continues.
Information regarding the analyzed samples is given in Table 1. Results
of electron-microprobe analysis are presented in Table 2. Lithologic and
petrographic descriptions of the samples analyzed are given in Appendix I.
Individual comparisons for each analyzed tephra sample with the 30
closest matches is given in Appendix II, together with annotations
regarding the locations and age information of tephra layers that match
most closely with those in the Owens Valley cores.
Our study indicates that the following widespread, dated tephra layers
were identified in the Owens Lake bore hole (OL92-1 and -2): the Bishop
ash bed in the interval 320.01 to 303.94 m (~0.76 Ma); the Dibekulewe ash
bed at 224.15 m (>0.40, <0.665 Ma), and a tephra layer at 50.66 to 50.69 m
attributed to early eruptions of the Mono Craters, a correlative of which
has been found in core samples from Walker Lake, Nev., estimated to be
between 60 and 85 ka based on age control at the latter site. In
addition, several zones of what appears to be reworked Bishop ash or
chemically similar ash, are present at several different levels in the
Owens Lake bore hole, and suggest that the Bishop ash bed was repeatedly
reworked within the Owens Lake drainage basin.
The Bishop ash bed:
Abundant coarse- to fine-sand-sized tephra layers are present within the
lowermost ~16 m of the core. Several zones within this interval are
massive, and the entire interval consists dominantly of tephra that was
either direct airfall material or tephra reworked locally by streams and
wind within the Owens Valley drainage basin, and deposited in the lowest
part of the Owens Lake basin--or probably a combination of these two
possible origins. In terms of its composition, the volcanic glass of this
tephra is chemically homogenous, and probably represents the products of a
single large eruption that was either repeatedly reworked within the Owens
Valley drainage system, or of several eruptions spaced closely in time,
emanating from the same eruptive source, probably also reworked over some
unknown but relatively short period of time.
In terms of their chemical composition, the volcanic glass shards of this
material are most similar to a set of Quaternary tephra layers that had
their source in the Glass Mountain-Long Valley Caldera area of east-
central California, ~155 km to the north of Owens Lake. These layers are
referred to as the Glass Mountain set of ash beds (Glass Mountain D, G,
and U, plus several other unnamed ash layers from this source), and the
Bishop ash bed, erupted from the nearby Long Valley Caldera (Gilbert,
1938; Bailey and others, 1976; Izett, 1981; Sarna-Wojcicki and others,
1984, 1991; Izett and others, 1988). These layers were erupted during the
period ~1.2 to ~0.76 Ma. There are other, older tephra layers that had
their source at or near Glass Mountain (for example, the Tuff of Taylor
Canyon), but these can be distinguished fairly easily by their glass
chemical composition from the younger set. The youngest, coarsest, and by
far the most voluminous tephra layer of the younger set (1.2 to 0.76 Ma)
is the Bishop ash bed, the distal air-fall and reworked air-fall ash of
the proximal Bishop Tuff.
The proximal Bishop Tuff, including the basal air-fall pumice and
overlying ash-flow tuff, as well as distal air-fall ash, have been redated
recently, yielding an average age of 0.758 ±0.002 Ma by the laser-fusion
40Ar/39Ar method on sanidine crystals separated from this tephra (Sarna-
Wojcicki and Pringle, 1992). Previous recent, generally accepted ages of
the Bishop Tuff and ash bed were between about 0.73 and 0.74 Ma
(Dalrymple, 1980; Izett and others, 1988). The Brunhes Normal-Matuyama
Reversed Magnetic Chron Boundary is situated one to several meters below
the Bishop ash bed, when both are found in the same stratigraphic
sections (Dalrymple and others, 1965; Eardley and others, 1973; Hillhouse
and Cox, 1976; Mankinen and Dalrymple, 1979; Colman and others, 1986;
Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1987, 1991). The previous recently estimated
age of the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary was 0.73 Ma (Mankinen and
Dalrymple). Recent work, and the ages and stratigraphic relations of the
Bishop ash bed and the boundary that are discussed above, indicate that
the age of the boundary must be older than its previously accepted age.
Recently obtained revised ages are 0.775 ±0.005 (Sarna-Wojcicki and
Pringle) and ~0.780 to ~0.790 ± ~0.010 Ma (Baksi and others, 1992;
McDougall and others, 1992; Obradovich and Izett, 1992). In any case, the
Bishop ash bed is normally magnetized, is situated close above the Brunhes-
Matuyama boundary, and thus must have been deposited during the Brunhes
Normal Magnetic Chronozone. The younger Glass Mountain tephra layers, by
contrast, range in age from about 1.0 to 1.2 Ma (although some are
probably as young as ~0.9 Ma; Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1984), are
situated stratigraphically below the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary, and are
all magnetically reversed (Liddicoat, 1993).
We propose that the thick interval of tephra at the base of Owens Lake
drill hole OL92-2, in the cored interval of 303.94 to 320.01 m, is the
Bishop ash bed, for the following reasons:
- The tephra in this basal interval is thick, coarse, and massive,
typical of a tephra layer from a major eruption close to its eruptive
source area. The Bishop ash covered a very large area of the western and
central U.S., and was particularly thick near its source, the nearby Long
Valley Caldera. Large areas underlain by the air-fall pumice and ash-flow
tuff are still exposed at the north end of Owens Valley in the Volcanic
Tableland. Direct airfall ash into Owens Lake at the time of eruption, as
well as reworking of the ash and tuff from the northern end of Owens
Valley, from the entire Owens Valley Drainage system north of the sill
between Owens Valley and China Lake, as well as from drainage systems
tributary to Owens Valley (Long Valley, Chalfant Valley, Adobe Valley)
must have brought large volumes of the tephra into Owens Lake shortly
after the eruption, and for some period of time afterward. No other
eruption from the Glass Mountain-Long Valley Caldera was as voluminous and
widespread as that of the Bishop Tuff.
- The shapes of the shards and the mineralogy of the tephra within this
basal, 16-m-thick interval is compatible with that of the Bishop ash bed
(Appendix I). The tephra is composed of dominantly pumiceous glass shards,
with subordinate bubble-wall and bubble-wall-junction shards, and contains
sanidine and plagioclase feldspar, quartz, biotite, hornblende, some
pyroxene (both ortho- and clino-), as well as minor amounts of allanite
and zircon. Some grains of all of these minerals are found with some
glass adhering their surfaces. This mineralogy is typical of the Bishop
Tuff and ash bed, but is also typical, however, of some of the Glass
Mountain tephra layers erupted during the interval ~0.9 to 1.2 Ma. These
layers, however, were produced by eruptions of considerably smaller
volume, extent, and were consequently much finer, thinner, or absent at
distal sites.
- The chemical composition of the volcanic glass of this 16-m thick
interval in the Owens Valley core is the same as that of the Bishop ash
bed (table 2; Appendix II). Some of the ash beds erupted from the Glass
Mountain source, however, are chemically similar and cannot be
distinguished on the basis of electron-probe analysis alone. Follow-up
analysis by X-ray fluorescence and neutron-activation analysis is
- The entire cored section, from the base of the massive tephra interval
to the top where Holocene sediments are present, is normally magnetized,
and thus suggests that this entire interval was deposited during the
Brunhes Normal Magnetic Chron (Glen and others, this volume). A short
distance beneath the massive tephra interval, near the base of the drill
hole, magnetic inclinations begin to shallow and vary, indicating that a
magnetostratigraphic boundary is present. This transition is identified
as part of the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary by Glen and others (this volume),
and suggests that the lower part of this transition, with fully reversed
inclinations, lies beneath the lowermost recovered cores from this drill
- A sedimentation rate curve derived from dry bulk density of the cored
sediments, and an assumption that the tephra at the base of the Owens Lake
bore hole is the Bishop ash bed (Bischoff, this volume), agrees well with
an independent chronology derived from magnetostratigraphy for a number of
brief magnetic excursions observed in this bore hole above the Bishop ash
bed, in Brunhes time (Glen and others, this volume). That is, the age-
depth curve derived from dry bulk density passes through the age-depth
points defined by the magnetostratigraphy, within the published age errors
of the latter.
Based on these five main arguments, we conclude that the thick tephra
interval at the base of the Owens Lake core is the Bishop ash bed. This
includes samples OL92-1021, at 303.94 m, through OL92-1030, at 320.01 m.
Ash bed of sample OL92-1020 and ash bed RVS-BL-1
The ash bed at 296.04 m in the Owens Valley bore hole contains 90% glass
shards. Chemically, it matches well on the basis of its glass chemical
composition with a tephra layer (RVS-BL-1) from the Borrego Badlands of
southern California, west of the Salton Sea (R.V. Sharpe, written commun.,
1988). No independent age is available for this ash bed. The eruptive
source of this tephra is not known. The Bishop ash bed is found close to
the latter ash bed in the Borrego Badlands, but their stratigraphic
relationships there are not known. Results of the current Owens Lake
study now provide a stratigraphic context (close above the Bishop ash bed)
and age estimate (>0.665; <0.758 Ma) for this ash bed. Using the
sedimentation rate curve of Bischoff (this volume), the age of this layer
is estimated to be about 740 ka.
Ash of sample OL92-1019
Ashy diatomaceous clay at 266.43 m in the bore hole contains about 25%
glass shards. These are chemically identical to those of the Bishop ash
bed and the younger ash layers of Glass Mountain. This sample is most
likely the Bishop ash, reworked upward in the section.
The Dibekulewe ash bed
This clayey, very fine grained ash layer, containing 55% glass shards, is
present at a depth of 224.15 m in the core. Chemically, the volcanic
glass shards of sample OL92-1016 match well with those of the Dibekulewe
ash bed of Davis (1978). The latter tephra layer is found at a number of
localities in Oregon, California, and Nevada, where it commonly overlies
the Lava Creek B ash bed, and is overlain, in turn, by the Rockland ash
bed (Davis, 1978; Izett, 1981; Sarna-Wojcicki and others, 1985, 1991).
The age of the Dibekulewe ash bed is not known, but the underlying and
overlying layers have been dated. The Lava Creek B ash bed is ~665 ka
(Izett and others, 1992), and the Rockland ash bed is ~400 ka (Meyer and
others, 1991) or ~470 ka (Alloway and others, 1993). Rieck and others
(1992) have estimated the age of the Dibekulewe ash bed to be about 610 ka,
based on its position close above the Lava Creek B ash bed in the Tulelake
core in north-central California, and paleoclimatic inferences made
regarding the sedimentation rate in that basin. Data from this study,
based on dry bulk density (Bischoff and others, this volume) and
magnetostratigraphy (Glenn and others, this volume), however, suggest that
the age of the Dibekulewe ash bed is younger, closer to ~500 ka.
Sample OL92-1015
Disseminated glass shards in diatomaceous and calcareous, fine-grained
sediment, at a depth of 216.54 m in the core, comprised only about 5% of
the very fine-grained, diatomaceous, calcareous sediment. These shards
are chemically identical to the Bishop ash bed and the Glass Mountain
tephra layers. Because of the large volume and wide dispersal of the
Bishop ash bed, and because the glass shards in this sample constitute
such a small percentage of the sediment sample and are situated
considerably higher in the core than the main body of the Bishop ash bed,
are most likely reworked from the latter, and represent a sporadic
background contamination.
Sample OL92-1003
This sample, at a depth of 52.25 m in the core, consists of 50 to 55%
glass shards. Of these, most are clear, colorless, and 2 to 3 % are brown
in color. The chemical composition of shards from this sample are
generically similar to rhyolite flows erupted from Mammoth Mountain
(~155 km north of Owens Lake), that are dated between 50 and 150 ka by the
conventional K-Ar method (Bailey and others, 1976). None of the latter
units, however, are sufficiently similar to OL92-1003 to be considered as
a correlative. Iron in particular is higher in the source rocks. The
similarity does, however, suggest common provenance. OL92-1003 is most
similar to a tephra layer (UCSB-FS-89-6-6BC) present in river terrace
sediments of the Owens River near Fish Slough, about 18 km north of
Bishop, but we have no independent age or stratigraphic control on this
latter layer.
Sample OL92-1003 is also similar to several tephra layers that were
exposed along a causeway connecting Negit Island to the north shore of
Mono Lake in 1982, when the lake was at its lowest historic level due to
diversion of water by the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power. This
set of tephra layers unconformably underlies the oldest of the Wilson
Creek ash beds (~12 to ~36 ka), and thus is older than about 40 ka
(Lajoie, 1968). Tephra layers of this chemical type (that is, similar in
glass chemistry to OL92-1003), are intercalated in the causeway section
with tephra layers similar in chemical composition to those erupted from
Mono Craters, but are somewhat different from both the Wilson Creek beds
and Holocene tephra layers derived from Mono Craters. These intercalated
beds are considered to be the oldest known beds erupted from the Mono
The Wilson Creek ash beds are present in a section of lake beds that were
deposited during the last high stand of Mono Lake, or pluvial Lake
Russell (Lajoie, 1968), a period closely coincident with the last major
glaciation and the deep-sea oxygen-isotope stage 2 (Shackleton and Opdyke,
1973; Imbrie and others, 1984). The Wilson Creek lake beds are underlain
by a gravel indicating that lower lake levels preceded deposition of the
Wilson Creek beds. This lower level probably correlates to the deep-sea
oxygen-isotope stage 3. The Negit causeway section underlies both the
Wilson Creek beds and the basal gravel, and thus probably correlates with
the next older glaciation, and with deep-sea oxygen-isotope stage 4,
approximately 60 to 80 ka BP, or with an older high stand of the lake.
The available age control is more compatible with the former choice.
Sample OL92-1001
This sample, obtained from a depth of 50.69 m in the core, contains about
75% glass shards. Chemically, this sample matches well with the group of
early, Mono Craters-like tephra layers found in the Negit Island causeway
section (see above), as well as with tephra layers that are present at
depths of about 63 to 79 m in a bore hole in Walker Lake, Nev., about 260
km N. of Owens Lake. At Walker Lake, these beds are estimated to be
between 60 and 85 ka, based on radiocarbon ages in the upper parts of the
core, several correlated ages in the core obtained by tephra correlations,
and uranium series ages in the middle part of the core (Sarna-Wojcicki and
others, 1988; John Rosholt, cited in Benson, 1988).
Sample OL92-1
This sample, obtained from a depth of 50.6 m in the Owens Lake core,
contained about 75% glass shards, the remainder being crystalline
material, both clastic detrital and pyrogenic minerals. This sample was
obtained from the first hole drilled in 1992, and consequently cannot be
related directly to the stratigraphy in the second core. Two replicate
analyses were run on this sample. Chemically, the glass shards of this
tephra layer match most closely with tephra layers obtained from depths
of ~54 to ~62 m in the Tulelake core, in northern California. The
interpolated ages of these layers, based on age control in this core
(Rieck and others, 1992) range from about 165 to 550 ka (see Appendix II).
Inasmuch as most of the tephra layers of this particular chemical
composition in the Tulelake core were erupted from a local source,
probably the Medicine Lake Volcano, and have not been found outside of
north-central California and south-central Oregon (beyond a radius of
about 100 km), they are not likely to be present in Owens Lake, 670 km to
the southeast. The ages of these layers in Tulelake core also are not
compatible with the chronology and correlations derived on the basis of
other tephra units in the Owens Valley core, or the sedimentation rate
curve of Bischoff (this volume).
The tephra of this layer is also generically similar to tephra erupted
from the Mono Craters, specifically to tephra layers collected by J. O.
Davis in the vicinity of Walker Lake, Nev., that range in age from latest
Pleistocene to Holocene, but have no precise age control.
Sample OL92-S
This is a surface sample obtained from a quarry in lake gravels east of
the bedrock ridge that extends to the Death Valley-Lone Pine Road.
Chemically, this tephra layer matches with the Long Valley-Glass Mountain
suite of tephra layers, 1.2 to 0.76 Ma in age. Most of the best matches
are to the Bailey ash bed, but several good matches are also to the Bishop
ash bed. This unit may thus correlate to the Bishop ash bed at ~304 to
~320 m in the Owens Lake core, or it may correlate to an older tephra layer
derived from Glass Mountain, such as the 1.2 Ma Bailey ash bed. We cannot
discriminate among these on the basis of probe analysis of the glass
shards or petrographic criteria alone. Additional studies that could
pinpoint the identity of this layer are X-ray-fluorescence and
instrumental neutron-activation analyses of the volcanic glass, and
paleomagnetic study of the layer and associated sediments. Normal
polarity of the tephra layer and associated sediments would indicate that
the layer was most likely the Bishop ash bed.
Discussion and Conclusions
The 16-m-thick interval of tephra at depths of ~304 to ~320 m in the Owens
Lake core is the Bishop ash bed, based on a combination of several
independent lines of evidence. Among these are (1) the exceptional
coarseness and thickness of this tephra interval suggest that it was
produced by an eruption of exceptional magnitude; (2) its petrographic and
chemical (in terms of glass composition) similarity to the Bishop ash bed
and its homogeneity; (3) its position within a normally magnetized section
that extends to the historic sediments at the top of the core, but close
above a paleomagnetic transition from normal to intermediate and scattered
directions at the very base of the core, indicates that it is younger
than, but close to, the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama boundary (775-790 ka),
and in agreement with an age of ~760 ka determined on surface outcrops of
the proximal and distal Bishop Tuff and ash bed; (4) the position, size
and geometry of the Owens Lake basin and its topographic relation to
tributary basins such as Long, Adobe, and Chalfant Valleys, together with
the presently known distrubution of the Bishop Tuff and ash bed, suggest
that a large volume of Bishop tephra must have fallen on, and subsequently
been reworked into, the depositional center of the Owens Lake basin; and
(5) an independent age curve based on dry bulk density and an assumption
that the 16-m-thick interval is indeed the Bishop ash bed provides
reasonable agreement for the ages and positions of identified tephra
layers present higher in the core--the Dibekulewe ash bed, and the Walker
Lake ash bed (Bischoff, this volume). The same curve is in agreement with
the ages and positions of short magnetic reversals and excursions within
the Brunhes Normal Chron determined independently by Glenn and others
(this volume).
Identification of the 16-m-thick interval near the base of the Owens
Valley bore hole as the Bishop ash bed provides a reasonable explanation
for the great thickness of tephra at this site. The Owens Lake drainage
basin and its tributary basins would be completely blanketed with tephra
after the eruption of the Bishop Tuff, because this basin and its
tributaries are situated within the fallout region of the Bishop ash bed
(Izett, 1981; Izett and others, 1988; Sarna-Wojcicki and Davis, 1991). The
streams within these basins would not be transporting anything but tephra
for some time after the eruption because their basins would be overloaded
with sediment, and that sediment would be loose, easily erodable tephra.
The effective density of particles of the tephra, composed dominantly of
pumice and glass shards (see Appendix I), is lower (~1.2 to 2.5 g/cc) than
the normal clastic load underlying the tephra blanket. The latter load
would not begin to move until most of the tephra had been cleared from the
channels and slopes of the drainage basin, not only because the tephra is
lighter, but because it overlay the normal clastic load.
The winds would undoubtedly be continually moving the tephra around from
place to place, building huge drifts and dunes of the material at
sheltered sites, only to rework them as wind patterns shifted. The local
sink for such eolian dust would be the Owens Lake, for once the ash fell
into a lake, it could not be picked up again by the wind (providing the
lake, like Owens, stayed wet). The Bishop tephra would continue to be
reworked sporadically from thicker, more protected areas within the Owens
Lake drainage basin during exceptionally heavy storms, thus accounting for
the zones of reworked Bishop tephra that are present higher in the
The basal layer of Bishop-like tephra at ~320 m in the hole consists of
coarse-sand-sized pumiceous shards, but also has a higher component of
comagmatic mineral grains than the other samples in this 16-m-thick
interval: 20% feldspars and quartz, and 20% biotite, compared to the
samples higher in this 16-m interval. This basal zone probably
corresponds to the initial direct airfall component from the eruption, the
high percentage of the minerals at the base being due to their higher
density, and more rapid settling velocity.
How rapidly was the tephra of the Bishop ash bed eroded from the landscape
of the Owens Lake drainage basin after the eruption? The 16-m-thick
interval near the base of the Owens Lake bore hole is composed dominantly
if not entirely of tephra of Bishop-like chemical composition and
mineralogy, and this interval corresponds to the major period of reworking
following the eruption. At ~297 m, a change to finer grain size, clay and
silt, and change in sediment composition, mark a return to "normal"
clastic sedimentation in the basin. A meter above this change, at a depth
of ~296 m, a younger tephra layer (OL92-1020) of different chemical
composition than the Bishop ash bed is present in this finer interval.
The reworking of the Bishop tephra from the landscape probably was quite
rapid, despite the large mass of material that was deposited, because the
tephra is loose, light, and consequently presents little resistance to
erosion. The rate of erosion must have been much more rapid than the
average erosion rates calculated from the entire thickness of sediment in
the core, or from the sedimentation rate calculated from dry bulk
densities (Bischoff, this volume). Eolian deposition was probably also
accelerated at this time, because a very large surface area of loose ash
was exposed to the wind. A guess would be that the drainage system was
largely cleared of ash within several centuries to several thousand years,
but probably not more than 10 ka. It is important to obtain more precise
estimates on the rates of such a clearing process, because the presence of
thick and extensive dust veils for periods longer than several millenia
should show up as paleoclimatic anomalies in the stratigraphic record, and
would document the presence of an additional mechanism for climate
forcing, rather than just the earth's precessional parameters alone.
The abovementioned age curve derived from bulk density data (Bischoff,
this report) provides a reasonable age estimates for the Dibekulewe ash
bed of ~500 ka. Previously, this ash bed has been bracketed between ~620
and ~400 ka, and its age was estimated to be ~610 ka based on its close
stratigraphic position to the Lava Creek B ash bed in the Tulelake core
(Rieck and others, 1992), and paleoclimatic inferences regarding the
relationship of these two units. Recent analyses provide ages of 400±60ka
(Meyer and others, 1991) and 470 ±40 ka (Alloway and others, 1992) for
the Rockland ash bed, and ~665 (Izett and others, 1992) for the Lava Creek
B ash bed. Both the current (~500 ka) and previous (~610 ka) age
estimates for the Dibekulewe ash bed are thus compatible with currently
available data; we do not know which of the two estimates is closer to the
actual age.
The correlated age of the Walker lake tephra identified in the Owens Lake
core (sample OL92-1001), ~60 to ~85 ka, is compatible with the ~70 to
~80ka age estimated from the sedimentation rate curve based on dry bulk
density (Bischoff, this volume).
A previously-drilled hole in Owens Lake (Smith and Pratt, 1957)
encountered the Lava Creek B ash bed at a depth of ~234 m in the hole, and
disseminated shards of what was presumed to be the Bishop ash bed, at ~262m.
We were not able to find the Lava Creek B ash bed as a macroscopic
tephra layer in the cores obtained in 1992. Work to try to find it as
disseminated shards is still in progress. If the sedimentation rate curve
derived from dry bulk densities is accurate, corresponding units are
deeper in the 1992 hole than in the previous one. The depth of the Lava
Creek B ash bed in the older hole corresponds to an estimated age of ~520ka
in the 1992 hole, considerably younger than the determined age of the
Lava Creek B ash bed. Calculated sedimentation rates down to the
estimated position of the Lava Creek ash bed, assuming the sedimentation
rate curve of Bischoff (this volume) is correct, are 0.35 mm/yr for the
old hole, and 0.41 mm/yr for the 1992 hole.
- Data on tephra samples studied from the Owens
Lake core
- Electron-microprobe analyses of volcanic
glass shards from tephra layers in Owens Valley Cores OL92-1 and OL92-2,
and one surface sample in the vicinity of Owens Lake. Oxides are given in
weight percent, recalculated to 100 percent (fluid-free basis). (S) -
SEMQ 9-channel probe; (J) - Jeol 5-channel probe.
- Data on the thick, coarse tephra-bearing
interval near the base of Owens Lake core OL92-2. The table shows
sample number, depth, color, qualitative grain size, and percentage of
glass present.
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