About the Environmental Atlas Printable Images

These images have been scanned at a resolution of 300dpi and are all approximately 7.15 by 10.9 inches. The colorized image of the cover is at a lower resolution than the other printable images. To achieve maximum printout quality, print the images at 300dpi resolution and then run the printouts through a photocopier with slightly REDUCED contrast. This will help to reduce some of the noise (light grey splotches around darker areas of the image).

Warning: These images will be slow in appearing on the screen. It is not recommended to load printable images on machines with less than 8MB of RAM.

Sizes of Printable Image Files (in bytes)

ball PONTCPRI JPG       1,351,680     {unmodified cover plate}    

ball PONTCCLP JPG         135,723     {colorized cover plate}

ball PONT1PRI JPG       1,499,136     {location map}

ball PONT2PRI JPG       2,163,771     {bottom sediments, faults, and soils}

ball PONT3PRI JPG       1,619,411     {soil subsidence/shoreline erosion}

ball PONT4PRI JPG       1,158,208     {hydrology and water quality}

ball PONT5PRI JPG       2,269,184     {vegetation and land use}

ball PONT6PRI JPG       1,605,632     {areas of transition}

ball PONT7PRI JPG       1,366,849     {unique and valuable resources}

ball PONT8PRI JPG       1,060,661     {oil and gas fields/pipelines}

ball PONT9PRI JPG       1,299,782     {flood/navigation/port commissions}

ball PNT10PRI JPG       2,470,277     {100 year flood plain}

ball PNT11PRI JPG       1,200,531     {recreational areas/facilities}

ball PNT12PRI JPG       2,637,824     {proposed special areas}


   14 files         21,838,669 bytes

Technical Information

  • Encoded in greyscale JPEG format at maximum quality
  • Image size approximately 7.15 x 10.9 inches/3250 x 2150 pixels
  • Image resolution 300 pixels/inch (300dpi)
  • Images modified in size and enhanced in clarity (brightness, contrast, and sharpness)

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