EASYG data format

A simple data format containing observed gravity, ship's velocity components, and date and Greenwich Mean Time. Data in this format were generally digitized by hand (i.e., entered via keypunch or computer terminal) and may include observed magnetics value. Also, the data format may optionally provide ship's speed and heading rather than the ship's velocity components.

An EASYG data format file would consist of three of the following four record types. Data files will always contain a record-type 1 at the beginning of the file or when there is a change in date or in the observed gravity range value. A record-type 1 is always followed by a record-type 2 and indicates the new date or range value. These records are then followed by one or more record-type 3A or 3B until a new change of date or range occurs. Record-type 3B is an alternate data record format to record-type 3A. Record-type 3B is similar to 3A with the exception that the ship's direction is recorded in terms of speed and heading rather than velocity north and east components.

There are no EASYG formatted data on the R/V FAY CD-ROM

Record-type 1:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                             FORMAT
     ----      --------------------------------       ------
     1-4       change indicator 9900                   I4

Record-type 2:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                             FORMAT
     ----      --------------------------------       ------
     1-2       day                                     I2
     3-4       month                                   I2
     5-6       year                                    I2
     8-10      gravity range (milligals)               I3
     12-13     magnetics range (gammas)                I2

Record type 3A:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                             FORMAT
     ----      --------------------------------       ------
     1-4       time of day (GMT as HHMM)               I4
     1-2       hour of day                             I2
     3-4       minutes of day                          I2
     6-9       observed gravity (milligals)            F4.1
     11-16     velocity north (knots)                  F6.2
     18-23     velocity east (knots)                   F6.2
     25-27     observed magnetic value (gammas)        I3

Record type 3B:

     COLS      FIELD NAME                             FORMAT
     ----      --------------------------------       ------
     1-4       time of day (GMT as HHMM)               I4
     1-2       hour of day                             I2
     3-4       minutes of day                          I2
     6-9       observed gravity value (milligals)      F4.1
     11-16     ship's speed (knots)                    F6.2
     18-23     ship's heading (degrees)                F6.2
     25-27     observed magnetic value (gammas)        I3

RANGE is the medium-order digits of the observed value and
OBSERVED is the 3 low-order digits combined to create the observed gravity value.


EASYG example:

This example does not include the optional magnetics data.

 230976 797
 2330 88.8
 2335 88.5
 2340 87.7
 2345 87.7
 2350 86.6
 2355 85.9
 240976 797
    0 86.7
    5 85.5
   10 84.0
   15 85.2
   20 86.0

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