FIXSE data format

A simple navigation data format with ship's position recorded as latitude and longitude in degrees and decimal minutes with date and GMT. South latitude and west longitude coordinates are recorded as negative values.

     COLS      FIELD NAME                      FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------     ------
     1-2       day                               I2
     3-4       month                             I2
     5-6       year                              I2
     7-10      time of day (GMT as HHMM)         I4
     7-8       hour of day                       I2
     9-10      minutes of day                    I2
     11        tenths of minute                  I1
     12-14     time zone                         I3
     16-18     degrees latitude                  I3
     20-26     decimal minutes latitude          F7.3
     27-30     degrees longitude                 I4
     32-38     decimal minutes longitude         F7.3
     39        K79 indicator                     I1
     40        K80 indicator                     I1
     42        KFT1 descriptor                   I1
     43        KFT2 descriptor                   I1
     44        KFQ descriptor                    I1


Fix-acquisition descriptors:

FIXSE example:

          1         2         3         4   4
 21097623049+04  41  31.490 -70 -40.36007 600
 21097623099+04  41  31.490 -70 -40.36007 600
 21097623149+04  41  31.490 -70 -40.36007 600
 21097623199+04  41  31.490 -70 -40.36007 600
 21097623249+04  41  31.329 -70 -40.33307 600
 21097623299+04  41  30.419 -70 -40.06007 600
 21097623449+04  41  28.723 -70 -42.18007 600
 21097623599+04  41  27.217 -70 -44.69807 600
 220976  149+04  41  25.495 -70 -47.15607 600
 220976  299+04  41  23.713 -70 -49.64207 600

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