MBATR data format

Processed bathymetry data. This data format includes uncorrected depth values in fathoms, date and GMT, and latitude and longitude coordinate of observation. Ships position are recorded as decimal degrees with south latitude and west longitude as negative values. If Matthews' table corrections (Matthews, 1939) were applied when the data were processed, the data include corrected depth in fathoms and meters. Data were output from program DTOB.

     COLS      FIELD NAME                            FORMAT
     ----      ---------------------------           ------
     1-2       day                                    I2
     3-4       month                                  I2
     5-6       year                                   I2
     7-11      time of day (GMT as HHMMT)             I4
     7-8       hour of day                            I2
     9-10      minute of day                          I2
     11        tenths of minute                       I1
     12-14     time zone                              I3
     16-20     uncorrected depth (fathoms)            I5
     22-23     Matthews' table correction number      I2
     26-30     corrected depth (fathoms)              I5
     33-37     corrected depth (meters)               I5
     39-46     latitude (decimal degrees)             F8.4
     47-55     longitude (decimal degrees)            F9.4
     56-63     distance along track (kilometers)      F8.2
     64-66     ship's heading (degrees)               I3
     68-71     ship's speed (knots)                   F4.1

MBATR example:

          1         2         3         4         5         6         7
 22 976 2300  4    20  9     21     38  41.0649 -70.9990   61.15180 11.7
 22 976 3300  4    25  9     26     47  40.8702 -71.0005   82.81180 11.7
 22 976 4000  4    31  9     32     59  40.7753 -70.9993   93.36179 10.8
 22 976 4300  4    35  9     36     66  40.6813 -70.9993  103.81180 11.2
 22 976 5000  4    39  9     40     74  40.5894 -70.9989  114.03180 10.9
 22 976 5300  4    43  9     44     81  40.4952 -71.0005  124.50180 11.1
 22 976 6000  4    48  9     49     91  40.4010 -71.0005  134.98179 11.3
 22 976 6300  4    49  9     50     93  40.3383 -71.0162  142.90280 11.8
 22 976 7000  4    48  9     49     91  40.3377 -71.1402  153.53258 11.7
 22 976 7300  4    46  9     47     87  40.3190 -71.2617  164.04258 11.2

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