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Open-File Report 1998–0297

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Science for Watershed Decisions on Abandoned Mine Lands: Review of Preliminary Results, Denver, Colorado, February 4-5, 1998

Recurrence Intervals, Probability, and Annual Duration of Dissolved-Zinc Concentrations Using Flood Analysis Techniques in the Upper Animas River Watershed, Colorado

By Kenneth J. Leib,1 M. Alisa Mast,2 and Winfield G. Wright3

The recurrence interval (in days), probability (in percent), and duration (in days) of dissolved-zinc concentrations at the gage on the Animas River below Silverton, Colorado, were estimated by using flood-analysis techniques. Recurrence, probability, and duration are needed to describe exposure of fish to different zinc-concentration ranges and flow regimes in this mining-impacted river. These parameters also are useful for monitoring the progress of remediation in the basin because pre-, during-, and post-remediation models can be applied to this flood-analysis approach. First, using samples collected during 1992-93, a relation was developed between dissolved-zinc concentrations and streamflow using a hyperbolic regression model. A hyperbolic regression model is a flow-modification technique used to improve the relation between the dependent (dissolved-zinc concentration) and independent variables (mean-daily discharge). This data set was chosen to reflect pre-remediation conditions in the basin. Dissolved-zinc concentrations then were generated for the entire period of mean-daily-discharge record (water years 1992-96) using the pre-remediation model. No major flow alterations were known to have occurred in the basin upstream from the sample site; therefore, as long as the pre-remediation model was used, all mean-daily-discharge record at the gage could be used to predict pre-remediation dissolved-zinc concentrations. Next, a log-Pearson type III flood-analysis technique was applied to the computed dissolved-zinc concentrations to estimate recurrence intervals and exceedance probabilities for concentrations that range from 200 to 550 micrograms per liter (µg/L). The log-Pearson type III distribution also was used to normalize the predicted dissolved-zinc data set. Normalizing the data set reduced the tendency of the predicted dissolved-zinc values to bias extreme events.

Durations for dissolved-zinc concentrations ranging from 200 to 550 µg/L were estimated by using another flood-analysis tool known as the streamflow-duration curve (duration curve). The duration curve was constructed using the mean-daily discharge record mentioned previously. The pre-remediation model was then used in conjunction with the duration curve to determine dissolved-zinc durations for given flow regimes. A duration curve is used because each mean-daily-discharge value is used in the construction of the curve, as opposed to information obtained from a log-Pearson type III distribution, which uses the average of mean-daily discharges for each year. The duration curve and corresponding dissolved-zinc duration values represent the period of record (1992-97). Recurrence intervals for dissolved zinc ranged from 7 days for concentrations of 550 µg/L or more to 1.25 days for concentrations of 200 µg/L or more.

Daily exceedance probabilities for dissolved zinc ranged from 90 percent for 200 µg/L and 18 percent for 550 µg/L. For dissolved-zinc durations, 200 µg/L was equaled or exceeded 328 days per year and 550 µg/L was equaled or exceeded 50 days per year.

1U.S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box 3367, Durango, CO 81302 (

2U.S. Geological Survey, MS 415, P.O. Box 25046, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225 (

3U.S. Geological Survey, P.O. Box 3367, Durango, CO 81302 (

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