U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 98-297
Statewide and National Mapping
Overview of the Animas and Boulder Study Areas
Characterization of Streams on a Watershed Scale
- What streams are affected by abandoned mines? — Characterization of water quality in the streams of the Boulder River watershed, Montana
By David A. Nimick and Tom E. Cleasby
- What streams are affected by historic, abandoned mines? — Preliminary interpretation of bed- sediment geochemical data, Boulder River watershed, Montana
By D.L. Fey and S.E. Church
- Fluvial tailings deposits in the Boulder River watershed, Montana: Preliminary results
By D.L. Fey, S.E. Church, J.S. Curry, and T.C. Sole
- Methodologies for characterizing aquatic health and preliminary results, Boulder River watershed, Montana
By Aida M. Farag, Dan F. Woodward, Donald R. Skaar, and William Brumbaugh
- Transport and partitioning of zinc among water, colloids, and bed sediments during low-flow conditions, Animas River watershed, Colorado
By B.A. Kimball and S.E. Church
- Impacts of abandoned mine lands on stream ecosystems of the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By John M. Besser, Del Wayne R. Nimmo, Robert Milhous, and Bill Simon
- Seasonal fluctuations of dissolved-zinc concentrations and loads in the mainstem streams of the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Kenneth J. Leib, M. Alisa Mast, and Winfield G. Wright
- Colloid formation and transport of aluminum and iron in the Animas River near Silverton, Colorado
By L.E. Schemel, B.A. Kimball, and K.E. Bencala
- Recurrence intervals, probability, and annual duration of dissolved-zinc concentrations using flood analysis techniques in the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Kenneth J. Leib, M. Alisa Mast, and Winfield G. Wright
- A toxicological reconnaissance of the upper Animas River watershed near Silverton, Colorado
By Del Wayne R. Nimmo, Carla J. Castle, and John M. Besser
- Metal uptake, transfer, and hazards in the stream food web of the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By John M.Besser, William Brumbaugh, S.E. Church, and B.A. Kimball
- Rare earth element geochemistry of acid waters: Preliminary results identifying source signatures and instream processes
By Philip L. Verplanck, D. Kirk Nordstrom, Winfield G. Wright, and Howard E. Taylor
- Comparison of filtration procedures and analytical procedures on iron (II/III): Results from upper Animas, Summitville, and Iron Mountain
By James W. Ball, D. Kirk Nordstrom, and Charles N. Alpers
- Characterization of aquatic health in mine-impacted streams: A case history from the Clark Fork River, Montana, and the Coeur díAlene River,Idaho
By Dan F. Woodward, Aida M. Farag, and William Brumbaugh
Watershed Characterization
- Geologic framework of volcano-plutonic igneous complexes as it relates to the upper Animas River and Boulder River abandoned mine lands studies
By K. Lund, M.J. O'Neill, D.B. Yager, R.G. Luedke, and D.J. Bove
- Digital geologic compilations of the upper Animas River and Boulder River watersheds: Geographic information systems technology used as a scientific interpretation tool
by D.B. Yager, K. Lund, R.G. Luedke, D.J. Bove, M.J. O'Neill, and T.C. Sole
- Progress report on surficial deposits and geomorphology of major drainages of the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Rob Blair
- Watershed characterization from the air: Application of geophysical techniques to watershed characterization in the Boulder River watershed, Montana
By A.E. McCafferty and B.D. Smith
- Mapping of acid-generating and acid-buffering minerals in the Animas watershed by AVIRIS spectroscopy
By B. Dalton, T. King, D.J. Bove, R. Kokaly, R. Clark, S. Vance, and G.A. Swayze
- Digital data for watershed characterization of abandoned mine land
By E. Paul Martin
Source of Metal Loading
- Integration of mine-drainage effects in watersheds using tracer injections and synoptic sampling
By B.A. Kimball, R.L. Runkel, Katherine Walton-Day, and K.E. Bencala
- Ground-water input of zinc to a watershed affected by acidic-mine drainage: simulation results and implications for remediation—Cement Creek, upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Katherine Walton-Day, R.L. Runkel, B.A. Kimball, and K.E. Bencala
- Quantification of metal loading by tracer-injection methods in Cataract Creek, Boulder River watershed, Montana: Study design
By Tom E. Cleasby, David A. Nimick, and B.A. Kimball
- Natural contributions of acidity and metals to surface waters of the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Dana J. Bove, Winfield G. Wright, M. Alisa Mast, and Douglas B. Yager
- Comparison of surface-water chemistry in undisturbed and mining-impacted areas of the Cement Creek watershed, Colorado
By M. Alisa Mast, Winfield G. Wright, and Kenneth J. Leib
- Oxygen isotopes of dissolved sulfate as a tool to distinguish natural and mining-related dissolved constituents in the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By Winfield G. Wright, M. Alisa Mast, and Kenneth J. Leib
- Determination of pre-mining background using sediment cores from old terraces in the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
By S.E. Church, D.L. Fey, and E.M. Brouwers
Mine-Site Characterization
- Acid-neutralizing potential of igneous bedrock in Basin and Cataract Creeks, Boulder River watershed, Montana
By G.A. Desborough and P.H. Briggs
- Effects of selected mine dump piles on dissolved-constituent loads in the Cement Creek basin, upper Animas River watershed, Colorado—A preliminary assessment
By Winfield G. Wright, Kenneth J. Leib, and M. Alisa Mast
- Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of mine dumps on BLM lands, upper Animas River watershed, Colorado: Plans and preliminary results
By J.T. Nash, G.A. Desborough, and D.L. Fey
- Spectral induced polarization studies of mine dumps near Silverton, Colorado
By David L. Campbell, David V. Fitterman, and Robert J. Horton
- Seasonal fluctuations of discharge and dissolved constituents from selected abandoned mines in the upper Animas River watershed, Colorado
by Winfield G. Wright, Kenneth J. Leib, and M. Alisa Mast
- An overview of the U.S. Geological Survey mine waste characterization project
By Kathleen S. Smith, James G. Crock, G.A. Desborough, David V. Fitterman, Reinhard W. Leinz, Maria R. Montour, Mark R. Stanton, Gregg A. Swayze, and Robert B. Vaughn
Biological Issues for Abandoned Mine Lands Remediation
Presenting Abandoned Mine Lands Information
Perspective on the Watershed Approach