- Tape player
- Nature music
- Index cards
- Practice reading the Tangipahoa River guided imagery passage
aloud before reading it to the students.
- Play a nature tape with sounds of the Everglades, water, or forest as background music.
- Make sure the room is quiet and free of distraction.
- Direct the students to sit comfortably, close their eyes, and feel the mood of the
imagery presented.
- Quietly say, "Close your eyes and relax.... empty your mind of all of the
concerns of the day and listen only to the sound of my voice and the sounds of nature...
disregard all other sounds and senses and relax... take a deep breath and relax...feel the
tension flowing from your scalp... feel the tension flow from your jaw muscles... relax
your neck muscles... take a deep breath and relax... lower your shoulders... let your arms
go limp... relax your legs... your toes... take a deep breath... I am going to read a
short passage to you, and I want you to listen carefully with all of your senses. Listen
for sounds..visualize the images...feel the feelings and emotions...inhale the
aromas...and imagine the textures."
- After reading the guided imagery, quietly instruct the students to "Take a few
deep breaths and slowly bring yourself back to the classroom...take your time and open
your eyes when you are ready."
- Encourage the students to express and share feelings inspired by the guided imagery. A
nonthreatening way to elicit feelings is to give students a plain index card and ask them
to write their feelings about selected images on the index card. Collect the cards,
shuffle them, read, and explore the emotions with the whole group of students.
- Write a poem about the guided imagery; use poetry forms like syntu, haiku or cinquain;
- Draw a picture to represent what you envisioned in the guided imagery.
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