Chapter 3: Outfalls

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To view all the coverages described in this Chapter, open the view titled Chapter 3 while running the ArcView project (mbay_30.apr or mbay_31.apr) in the mbaygis directory of this CD-ROM. To view summary metadata (file names, descriptions, provider, references) see the table below. To view complete metadata, go to directory "9_biblio" on this CD-ROM and open the file metadata.mdb using Microsoft Access or the file Gismeta.htm using your browser.

Sample from the ArcView window for Chapter 3

The Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) outfall will begin discharging treated sewage effluent from the Boston metropolitan area, now discharged into Boston Harbor, through a new ocean outfall located in Massachusetts Bay in 1999. Other outfalls, such as sewer and thermal waste outfalls, combined stormwater overflows (CSOs), and National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) point outfalls, discharge or have discharged into Massachusetts Bay. Among these other outfalls, the location of the Swampscott Sewage Treatment Plant (Quinlan, 1984) and of point discharges (CSO and NPDES) are included on this CD-ROM. Investigations have been undertaken around some of these structures, especially the marine outfalls, to meet regulatory obligations.

The tunnel for the new MWRA ocean outfall begins at the Deer Island Treatment Plant and terminates in a linear series of 55 diffusers located approximately 9 miles offshore in Massachusetts Bay. This CD-ROM contains a small portion of the data and information obtained as part of the numerous investigations designed to understand the long-term effects of relocating the outfall from Boston Harbor to Massachusetts Bay. These investigations were carried out by the MWRA and its contractors (see list of MWRA technical publications at, Federal and State agencies, and academic institutions. Bothner and others (1992) carried out detailed mapping of the region surrounding the outfall using sidescan sonar and bottom photography, providing the framework for selecting sites for long-term monitoring of sediment chemistry and biology. Knebel and Circe (1995) and Knebel and others (1996) used these and other data to provide an overall map of sedimentary environments for Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bay. More recently, western Massachusetts Bay, including the region surrounding the new outfall, has been surveyed using multibeam (Butman and others, in preparation), providing maps of the surface topography and sediment backscatter at a horizontal resolution of 6-10 m. A study of circulation in the Massachusetts Bays was conducted in 1989-1990 (Geyer and others, 1992). Signell and others (1996), using a three dimensional circulation model, developed predictions of effluent dilution for the effluent discharged from the existing outfall in the harbor, and from the new outfall in Massachusetts Bay in winter and summer. These simulations show that relocating the outfall will result in improved water quality in the harbor, and not significantly alter water quality in Massachusetts Bay, except in the immediate vicinity of the outfall. In 1997, the Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution conducted a submersible dive (Clelia Dive No. 484) on and around the MWRA diffuser outfall (see Subchapter 2B for a more detailed summary of the Clelia operations, and Lindsay and others, 1998). A laser line scan system image of a diffuser riser can be viewed via a hot link connection. One of the diffusers (No. 44) will not be operational and may serve to monitor the influence of effluent on biofouling.

The MWRA is carrying out an extensive program to monitor water quality, sediment chemistry, and biota before and after the new ocean outfall begins operation (Albro and others 1998; Kropp and Boyle, 1998; Tucker and Giblin, 1998; Lefkovitz and Moore, 1998). The location of stations were carefully selected based on the simulations of water quality (Signell, 1996 see coverages), topography (Knebel and others, 1996), and sediments. Measurements are concentrated in the immediate vicinity of the new outfall (the ‘near field’), where simulations of water quality suggest that concentrations of effluent will be measurable above background levels. There are fewer stations located distant from the outfall (the ‘far field’), where simulations show that water quality will not be changed from the present situation. The sea floor environment in western Massachusetts Bay is extremely varied (Knebel, and Butman and others, in preparation). The topography is dominated by a series of ridges that have about 10 m of relief (see the multibeam maps). The ridges are topped with boulders and gravel, while finer sands and muds are concentrated in the bathymetric lows.

Coverages in this Chapter include:

Near field water quality stations (Albro and others, 1998):  ArcView shapefile mwrawqnf.shp
Far field water quality stations (Albro and others, 1998):  ArcView shapefile mwrawqff.shp
Near field benthic stations (Kropp and Boyle, 1998):  ArcView shapefile mwra_bnf.shp
Far field benthic stations (Kropp and Boyle, 1998):  ArcView shape filemwra_bff.shp
Hard bottom survey transects (Kropp and Boyle, 1998):  ArcView shapefile mwrahbtr.shp
Benthic nutrient flux stations (Tucker and Giblin, 1998):  ArcView shapefile mwrabflx.shp
Fish and shellfish stations (Lefkovitz and Moore, 1998): ArcView shapefile mwrafish.shp and mwra_lob.shp

List of technical reports resulting from studies by the MWRA Environmental Quality Division (ENQUAD):

Coverages provided in Chapter 3:    (Summary metadata for files in the Chapter 3 view are listed alphabetically in the table below. For complete metadata, go to directory "9_biblio" on this CD-ROM and open the file metadata.mdb using Microsoft Access or the file Gismeta.htm using your browser.)

File Name Layer Content Published reference E-mail of Contact Person Agency/Organization
1mingrid.shp One Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid NOAA/NURC
3mile.shp 3 Mile Boundary line off the coast of Mass SAIC
404water.shp 404 Boundary Waters off the coast of Mass SAIC
484cle.shp Raw navigation fixes from 1997 Clelia dive 484 NOAA/NURC
484lls.shp Laser line scan sites from 1997 Clelia dive 484 NOAA/NURC
5mingrid.shp Five Minute Latitute/Longitude Grid NOAA/NURC
bathy5mb.shp 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Western Mass Bay (Quads 19-21) Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS
bathy5sb.shp 5-meter bathymetric contour lines for Stellwagen Bank (Quads 1-18) Valentine, P., J. Baker, T. Unger, C. Polloni, 1998, Sea Floor Topographic Map and Perspective-View Imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report 98-138.; USGS
bb02sumg Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb02sumg.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb02wing Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb02wing.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb16sumg Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb16sumg.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Summer, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb16wing Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
bb16wing.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Bay Outfall, Winter, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
CSOS.shp Boston Harbor CSO's, MWRA
Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr02sumg.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr02wing Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr02wing.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 2 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr16sumg Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr16sumg.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Summer, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr16wing Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dr16wing.tif Simulated effluent concentrations from Boston's sewage outfall: Harbor Outfalls, Winter, 16 m below surface Signell, R.P., H.L. Jenter and A.F. Blumberg, 1996, "Circulation and Effluent Dilution Modeling in Massachusetts Bay: Model Implementation, Verification, and Results", USGS Open File Report 96-015, 121 pages. USGS
dump_psd Pseudocolor/Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site (see description) Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
dump_ss Backscatter image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
dump_sun Shaded Relief image (ARC/INFO grid) of MassBay disposal site Valentine, Baker, Unger, Evans, and Polloni, 1998, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-344. 1 CD-ROM. Sea Floor Topographic, Backscatter, and Interpretive Maps and Bottom Photos of the Massachusetts Bay Disposal Site region off Boston, MA., USGS
gom15grd 15 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Geographic) Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM., USGS
gom30grd 30 second grid of Gulf of Maine bathymetry (Geographic) Roworth, E. and Signell, R., 1999, Construction of digital bathymetry for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 98-801. 1 CD-ROM., USGS
Inactive.shp Boston Harbor Inactive CSO's, MWRA
MB_mets.shp Copper and Zinc concentrations in surface sediments Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R. and others, Contaminated sediments database for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Web publication and CD-ROM. (in prep.) (see referen.htm for full list of authors), USGS
MB_text.shp Surficial sediment texture, USGS Atlantic Margin Database Buchholtz ten Brink, M.R. and others, Contaminated sediments database for the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report. Web publication and CD-ROM. (in prep.) (see referen.htm for full list of authors) USGS
mbcircst.shp Locations of current observations for 1990-1991 Massachusetts Bay field experiment Geyer, W.R, Gardner, G.G., Brown, W.S., Irish, J., Butman, B., Loder, T., Signell, R.P., 1992, Physical Oceanographic Investigations of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays. Massachusetts Bays Program MBP-92-03. 497 p. WHOI, U. Mass., UNH, USGS
memanh.shp Maine, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire state outlines ESRI Data and Maps - 1996 NOAA/USGS
mwra_bff.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, benthic farfield stations Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p.,, MWRA
mwra_bnf.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, benthic nearfield stations Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p.,, MWRA
mwra_lob.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, lobster monitoring locations Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p.,, MWRA
mwra_out.shp Locations of Waste diffuser outfalls MWRA
mwrabflx.shp Benthic Flux Sampling locations Tucker, J. and Giblin, A, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Nutrient Flux Studies:1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project, Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-51.,, MWRA
mwrafish.shp Flounder monitoring locations Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p.,, MWRA
mwrahbtr.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, target locations for Hardbottom Survey Transects Kropp, R.K. and Boyle, J.D., 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan (CW/QAPP) for Benthic Monitoring:1997-2001, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-50. 72 p.,, MWRA
mwramuss.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, mussel collection and deployment locations Lefkovitz, L., Moore, M.J., 1998. Combined work/quality assurance plan for fish and shellfish monitoring: 1998-2000. Boston: Massachusetts Water Resources Authority. ENQUAD report ms-49. 61 p.,, MWRA
mwrawqff.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program station locations for Water Quality, Far-Field Albro, Trulli, Boyle, Sauchuk, Oviatt, Keller, Zimmerman, Turner, Borkman, and Tucker, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Column Monitoring 1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. MWRA. ENQUAD report ms-48. 121 p.,, MWRA
mwrawqnf.shp MWRA outfall monitoring program, station locations for Water Quality, Near-Field Albro, Trulli, Boyle, Sauchuk, Oviatt, Keller, Zimmerman, Turner, Borkman, and Tucker, 1998. Combined Work/Quality Assurance Project Plan for Water Column Monitoring 1998-2000, MWRA Harbor and Outfall Monitoring Project. MWRA. ENQUAD report ms-48. 121 p.,, MWRA
outf_ss.tif Digital mosaic of sidescan-sonar images of the region surrounding the MWRA outfall Bothner, et al., 1992, A Geologic Map of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Constructed from Digital Sidescan-Sonar Images, Photography, and Sediment Samples, USGS DDS-3 USGS
Outfall.shp Boston Harbor effluent outfalls, MWRA
Sbshd_ng.tif Shaded Relief for Northern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. USGS
Sbshd_sg.tif Shaded Relief for Southern Stellwagen Bank, Geographic coordinates Valentine, P., T. Unger, J. Baker, and C. Polloni, 1999, Sun-illuminated sea floor topographic maps and perspective-view imagery of Quadrangles 1-18, Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary off Boston, MA, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 99-363. USGS
sedfindd.shp Sedimentary Environments Map Knebel, H.J. and Circe, R.C., 1995; Knebel, H.J., Rendigs, R.R., List, J.H., and Signell, R.P., 1996; Butman, B. and Bothner, M.H., 1998. (see referen.htm for full references) USGS
sstp_out.shp Swampscott STP approximate location NOAA/NOS/OR&R
stnloc.shp USGS bottom photos from 1992 outfall survey Bothner, et al., 1992, A Geologic Map of the Sea Floor in Western Massachusetts Bay, Constructed from Digital Sidescan-Sonar Images, Photography, and Sediment Samples, USGS DDS-3, USGS
usgs_lto.shp USGS/MWRA Long-term monitoring station, near outfall USGS
usgs_lts.shp USGS/MWRA Long-term monitoring station, offshore near Scituate USGS
USGSsedm.shp USGS long-term sediment monitoring stations USGS
wmbpsd_g Pseudocolor image (ARC/INFO grid) Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates (see description) Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS
wmbshd_g Shaded relief map of Western Massachusetts Bay in Geographic coordinates Butman, B., W. W. Danforth and L. Hayes, Sea Floor Topography and Backscatter of Quadrangles 19-21, Western Massachusetts Bay, Off Boston, Massachusetts, USGS Open-File Report (in prep.), USGS


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