Chapter B
Assessment of Undiscovered Petroleum in the
Tertiary Niger Delta (Akata-Agbada) Petroleum System (No. 719201),
Niger Delta Province, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Equatorial Guinea, Africa
by Michele L. W. Tuttle, Ronald R. Charpentier, and Michael
E. Brownfield
We estimate undiscovered resources of the Tertiary Niger
Delta (Akata-Agbada) Petroleum System to be 40.5 billion barrels of oil
and 133 trillion cubic feet of gas. These resources are distributed between
two assessment units, the Agbada Deltaic Reservoir Unit and the Akata Turbidite
Reservoir Unit. Material balance calculations estimate that between 100
and 300 meters thickness of source rock is needed to generate the known
and undiscovered oil resources within the petroleum system.
The Tertiary Niger Delta (Akata-Agbada) Petroleum System
(referred to as Niger Delta Petroleum System hereafter) was assessed as
part of the World Energy Project of the Energy Resources Program of the
U.S. Geological Survey. The quantities of oil, gas, and natural gas liquids
that have the potential to be added to reserves within the next 30 years
were considered. These volumes either reside in undiscovered fields whose
sizes exceed the minimum-field-size cutoff value (1 million barrels of
oil equivalent in this petroleum system), or occur as reserve growth of
oil and gas fields already discovered (field growth).
Our assessment methodology for estimating the numbers
and sizes of undiscovered fields (Charpentier and Klett, in prep) is sensitive
to the homogeneity of each population being assessed. Therefore, the Niger
Delta Petroleum System was divided into two assessment units—the Agbada
"Deltaic" Reservoir Assessment Unit (hereafter referred to as Agbada Unit)
and the Akata "Turbidite" Reservoir Assessment Unit (hereafter referred
to as Akata Unit). This division was made based on the fact that the number
and size distribution of hypothetical fields in the Akata Formation will
be significantly different than in the Agbada Formation.
The boundaries of the Agbada Unit are shown on Figure
1. They are the province boundaries to the north, west, and east (for
description of province boundaries see Chapter
A) and the 200-meter bathymetric contour to the south. The area of
the assessment unit is 103,000 km2.
Reservoirs in this unit are primarily paralic sandstone related to the
delta proper.
As a check on the Monte Carlo results, we evaluated the
petroleum yield of the Niger Delta assuming an accumulation sediment thickness
of 3.0 km (most oil reservoirs occur between 1,000 and 4,000 m depth, fig.
2, Chapter A). The sediment volume defined by discovered fields is about
300,000 km3. To date,
the known volume of recoverable oil in both oil and gas fields is 34.5
BBO (calculated from data in Petroconsultants, 1996). Our calculated oil
yield is 115,000 bbls/km3
of sediment. The yield increases to 165,000 BOE/km3
when 93.8 TCFG gas is included. These yields are two to three times the
maximum recovery of 53,700 BOE/km3
given for delta systems in 1975 (based on Niger and Mississippi delta data;
Klemme, 1975). In the last two decades, the recovery of the Niger Delta
has increased dramatically over Klemme’s estimate. This increase is probably
due not only to new discoveries, but to field growth as well.
Field Growth
The assessment for the undiscovered petroleum in the
Agbada uses data from Petroconsultants (1996) to estimate size and volume
of undiscovered fields. As of 1995, 481 oil fields greater than 1 MMBO
and 93 gas fields greater than 6 BCFG were established in the Agbada Unit.
The volume data were "grown"1
for 30 years to account for the observation that estimates of recoverable
quantities in fields increase over time. A summary of the grown data for
the Agbada Unit is in the table below.
1995 Data Grown
for 30 Years
in oil fields (BBO) |
in gas fields (BBO) |
in gas fields (TCFG) |
in oil fields (TCFG) |
oil (BBO) |
gas (TCFG) |
volume (BBOE) |
for Undiscovered Petroleum
We evaluated the exploration maturity of the assessment
unit using a variety of indicators such as field density and plots of past
discovery data. A total of 574 fields (481 oil and 93 gas fields) at least
as large as one million BOE are reported by Petroconsultants (1996), resulting
in an average field density of one field in every 210 km2.
Attanasi and Root (1993) calculated their "current" growth in delineated
prospective area per wildcat well for Nigeria at 39 km2/well.
Attanasi and Root’s value represents that area added to the "delineated
prospective area" by each wildcat well drilled. Although the area:well
ratio is relatively small, growth has remained relatively constant since
the late 1960’s, indicating that there has been a constant increment in
prospective area with each wildcat well drilled. Although the growth in
delineated prospective area per wildcat well will have to decrease sometime
in the future, it is not possible to determine exactly when the decrease
will begin.
Next, we evaluated the discovery history of the basin
(field size and petroleum volumes). Analysis of oil exploration trends
(fig. 2) show that a consistent high
rate of number of fields discovered per unit exploration effort has been
maintained but that the oil fields are smaller in size (fig.
3 and fig. 4). This decrease
is reflected in the overall decrease in the slope of the curve in Figure
3 and by comparing the median size of the first third of the fields
discovered (60 MMB) to the second third discovered (22 MMB) to the third
third discovered (23 MMB) (fig. 4).
This analysis shows that although as many fields are being discovered as
in the past, the discovery sizes have been smaller during the last two-thirds
of the discovery history.
A similar analysis for gas fields (fig.
2, fig. 3, and fig.
5) shows exploration of gas fields is less mature than of oil fields.
The curves generated by plotting cumulative oil fields versus cumulative
number of new-field wildcat wells indicate that, per exploration unit,
the number of oil fields being found in 1995 is not significantly different
than that in 1952. In addition, the size of the gas fields is not systematically
decreasing with exploration—a median size of 116 BCFG for the first third
discovered, 58 BCFG for the second third, and 119 BCFG for the third third
(fig. 5). We might expect that gas
discoveries may be more prevalent in the future, especially with development
of liquefied natural gas export facilities (Thomas, 1995).
Future exploration targets for potential on-shore and
off-shore undiscovered petroleum within the Agbada Unit include:
Structural traps similar to those explored in the past,
Stratigraphic traps, and
Faulted, low-stand sandstones on the slope edge.
Continued exploration for the traditional structural traps
onshore and near offshore is expected to yield some new fields, but the
mature level of exploration will probably mean fewer and smaller discoveries
of this type in the future.
for Assessing Undiscovered Petroleum
The following four assumptions were made for assessing
the undiscovered petroleum in the Agbada Unit.
Major growth fault trends and structural trends within each
depobelt are relatively evenly distributed across the assessment unit (Evamy
and others, 1978, their Figure 10). Even though large, easily identified
structures have been preferentially targeted, a few likely remain to be
found based on the field sizes found recently (second largest oil field
discovered in 1990 and the third largest gas field in 1989).
Undiscovered fields likely will include a greater percentage
(and number) of smaller fields associated with stratigraphic traps that
have been less attractive exploration targets in the past.
Undiscovered fields will have similar characteristics with
respect to API, sulfur content, and producing depth. However, gas to oil
ratios (GOR) in these fields probably will be greater than reported due
to poor tracking of gas data to date. The natural gas liquids:gas ratio
(NGL/gas) in undiscovered oil and gas fields likely is represented well
by reported data.
The maturity of gas exploration is less than that of
oil as gas has not been a significant exploration target in the past. This
assumption is supported by the fact that 75% of gas produced in oil fields
is currently flared.
of Undiscovered Petroleum in the Agbada Assessment Unit
The following is the input for our assessment of undiscovered
fields (see Appendix A):
of oil fields |
of oil fields (MMBO) |
of gas fields |
of gas fields (BCFG) |
The estimates for the number and size of oil fields were
derived as follows:
Minimum number of fields assumes that the stratigraphic traps
within the assessment unit are not as numerous as we would expect, and
the minimum field size is the cutoff for this petroleum system (1 MMBO).
Median number of fields reflects our conclusion that slightly
less than one-half the oil fields have been discovered (based on exploration
maturity analysis), and their median size is about one-half that for the
second third and third third discovered fields.
Maximum number of fields assumes that the stratigraphic traps
are far more common than we anticipated.
The estimates for number and size of gas fields were derived
as follows:
Minimum number of fields assumes that the stratigraphic traps
within the assessment unit are not as numerous as expected, and the minimum
field size is the cutoff for this petroleum system (6 BCFG).
Median number of fields reflects our conclusion that about
1/3 of the gas fields have been discovered, and median size is about one-half
that for third third discovered fields.
Maximum number of fields assumes that the stratigraphic traps
are far better than we anticipated, and maximum volume allows for several
large gas fields to be found.
The results from Monte Carlo simulations for the Agbada Assessment
unit are in Appendix B and summarized
in the table below.
Oil Fields
Gas Fields
volume of oil (BBO) |
volume of gas (TCFG) |
volume of NGL (BBNGL) |
Field (mean) |
1.0 BBO
3.8 TCFG
The Akata Unit covers the entire Niger Delta Petroleum
System, and is stratigraphically below the Agbada Unit where both formations
exist (fig. 1). The area of the assessment
unit is 300,000 km2—about
equal size to the Mississippi Delta complex. About 56,000 km2
of the unit is on land and 244,000 km2
is in water. The Akata Assessment Unit is hypothetical and has no reported
Analogs for
Hypothetical Fields
Potential exists for significant discoveries in turbidite-related
reservoirs in the Akata Formation. Reservoirs would be associated particularly
with proximal turbidite "mounds," low-stand sands, and channel deposits.
Marine shale of the Akata Formation serves as both source rock and seal.
Exploration for turbidite-related reservoirs in the Akata Formation will
be in the deeper water offshore (turbidite reservoirs of the Campos basin,
Brazil are currently being developed in waters >2,000 m in depth; Guardado
and others, 1990). Onshore Akata reservoirs in the deeper stratigraphic
sections underlying current production will be generally at depths greater
than 2,500 m on the flanks of the delta to over 5,500 m in the center of
the delta complex (see fig. 8A in Chapter
The Niger delta currently has three large submarine fan
systems that have been active since the Eocene. We assume that, at least
during the Oligocene and Miocene, these fans would have been extensive
and perhaps each fan is similar to that deposited during the Oligocene
in the Campos basin. Therefore, the Plio-Pleistocene channel fill and Oligocene
sheets of sand in the Campos basin were used as an analogue for the number
of fields in this assessment unit. We assigned three "sweet spots" to the
assessment unit and assumed a much lower density for the remaining area
in the assessment unit.
The oil field sizes in the Campos reservoirs were considered
less useful than the number of fields because source rocks for the Niger
Delta and the Campos are very different (marine in the Niger Delta versus
lacustrine in the Campos Basin). The charge assigned to the hypothetical
reservoirs likely reflects this difference. Therefore, the Gulf Coast offshore
data were used as the analog for the median size of fields in the Akata
of Undiscovered Petroleum in the Akata Assessment Unit
The following is the input for our assessment of undiscovered
fields (see Appendix A):
of oil fields |
of oil fields (MMBO) |
of gas fields |
of gas fields (BCFG) |
The estimates for number and size of oil and gas fields
were derived as follows:
Minimum number of fields assumes the Campos reservoirs were
a poor analog, and the minimum oil and gas volume is the cutoff for this
petroleum system (1 MMBO; 6BCFG).
Median number of fields reflects our assumption that the
Campos is a reasonable analog for the turbidite complexes, and median size
reflects our assumption that the Gulf of Mexico offshore data are a good
analog for oil and gas field sizes.
Maximum number of fields assumes that the reservoirs and
traps are more numerous than we anticipated, maximum oil field size assumes
that the Campos basin is an analog for oil field sizes as well as number
of fields, and maximum gas field size allows for several gas fields >3
TCFG to be found.
The results from the Monte Carlo simulations for the Akata
Assessment Unit are presented in Appendix B and summarized in the table
Oil Fields
Gas Fields
volume of oil (BBO) |
volume of gas (TCFG) |
volume (BBOE) |
Field (mean) |
1.6 BBO
1.5 TCFG
Mass balance equations provided
by Michael Lewan (written communication, 1999) where used to calculate
a "ball-park" thickness of mature source rock in the delta required to
account for the amounts of recoverable petroleum in the Agbada Assessment
Unit. The calculations are based on a number of assumptions that are substantiated
by data from the Niger Delta or other source rock studies. Regardless,
the calculations are not intended to be a rigorous treatment of the data
and are presented to test the feasibility of our estimates.
Mature source rock (active pod occurs
at depths great than 3 k (Ro = 0.08%; fig. 18, Chapter A).
Twenty-five per cent of oil expelled
is lost as residual during secondary migration (based on a study of petroleum
generated from the Albany Shale; Lewan and others, 1995).
Weight of naturally expelled oil is
5 times less than during Rock Eval pyrolysis (Lewan and others, 1995).
Measured or estimated parameters
Mean TOC used = 2.6 wt % (3.0 wt% median
for USGS proprietary data; 2.2 wt% average reported by Bustin, 1988; 2.3-2.5
wt%; Udo and Ekweozor, 1988).
Mean Hydrogen Index used = 180 mg HC/g
TOC (181 median for USGS proprietary data; 90 average reported by Bustin,
1988; 232, Udo and others, 1988).
Mean source rock density used = 2.26
(assumes 5% porosity.
Mean API used = 35 (0.85 g/cm3)
(55% of Niger delta oils have API gravity values between 30 and 40; Thomas,
Surface area of sediment in Agbada
Assessment Unit at depths greater than 3 km ? 100,000 (from fig 8B, Chapter
Petroleum Resources for Assessment
Unit 1(discovered + undiscovered) = 106 BBOE.4
Volume of resource (discovered + undiscovered)
= 106 x 109 bbl
Volume of oil lost as residue (25%)
= 35 x 109 bbl
Volume of oil expelled = 141 x 109
Mass of oil expelled = (141 x 109
bbl) x (.159 m3/bbl) = 2.24 x 1010 m3
= 2.24 x 1010 m3
(0.85 g/cm3 x 106 cm3/m3) =
1.91 x 1016 g
Mass of mature TOC = 1.91 x 1016
g/(((165 mg/g TOC)/5)/1000 mg/g) =
5.79 x 1017 g TOC.
Mass of mature source rock = (5.79
x 1017 g TOC)/(.026 g TOC/g rock) =
2.23 x 1019 g rock
Volume of mature source rock =
(2.23 x 1019 g rock)/((2.26
g/cm3) x (106 cm3/m3) = 9.85
x 1012 m3
Source rock thickness = 9.85 x 1012
m3/(100,000 km2 x 106 m2/km2)
= 99 m.
If our assumptions are reasonable,
100 m of mature source rock are needed to account for petroleum resources
in Agbada Assessment Unit. The two assumptions with the most uncertainty
are the percentage of petroleum lost to residue and the amount of hydrocarbons
expelled from the rock. The numbers used in our calculations are means
derived from experimental work on the New Albany Shale (Lewan and others,
1995). Assuming that 50% of the petroleum is lost as residual instead of
25%, the thickness of shale required increases to 148 m. Assuming the amount
of hydrocarbons expelled is one-tenth that expelled during Rock Eval pyrolysis
instead of one-fifth as used in the calculations, the thickness increases
to 197 m. Changing both to 50% and one-tenth respectively increases the
thickness to 296 m.
Our calculations indicate that a
minimum of 100 m and no more than 300 m of mature source rock are required
to account for the estimated recoverable resources of the Agbada Assessment
Unit. These thicknesses can be accommodated reasonably either in the Agbada
Formation where mature or easily in the mature upper Akata Formation.
growth factors derived by the U.S. Minerals Management Service for offshore
fields were used to grow the fields for the next 30 years (Schmoker
and Crovelli, 1998).
in the mean volume of NGL.
in the mean volume of NGL.
resource estimates includes oil, gas, and NGL resources. The calculations
do not take into account any differences between migration and expulsion
efficiencies of oil versus gas.
Attanasi, E.D. and Root, D.H.,
1993, Statistics of petroleum exploration in the Caribbean, Latin America,
Western Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Non-communist Asia, and the Southwestern
Pacific: U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1096, 129 p.
Bustin, R. M., 1988, Sedimentology
and characteristics of dispersed organic matter in Tertiary Niger Delta:
origin of source rocks in a deltaic environment: American Association of
Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, v. 72, p. 277-298.
Evamy, B.D., Haremboure, J., Kamerling,
P., Knaap, W.A., Molloy, F.A., and Rowlands, P.H., 1978, Hydrocarbon habitat
of Tertiary Niger Delta: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin,
v. 62, p. 1-39.
Guardado, L.R., Gamboa, L.A.P.,
and Lucchesi, C.T., 1990, Petroleum geology of the Campos basin, Brazil,
a model for a producing Atlantic type basin: AAPG Memoir 48. Tulsa, American
Association of Petroleum Geologists, p. 3-79.
Klemme, H.D., 1975, Giant oil fields
related to their geologic setting, a possible guide to exploration: Bulletin
of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 23, p. 30-66.
Lewan, M.D., Comer, J.B., Hamilton-Smith,
T., Hasenmueller, N.R., Guthrie, J.M., Hatch, J.R., Gautier, D.L., and
Frankie, W.T., 1995, Feasibility study of material-balance assessment of
Petroleum from the New Albany Shale in the Illinois Basin: U.S. Geological
Survey Bulletin 2137, 31 p.
Schmoker, J.W., and Crovelli, R.A.,
1998, A simplified spreadsheet program for estimating future growth of
oil and gas reserves: Nonrenewable Resources, v. 7, no. 2, p. 149-155.
Petroconsultants, 1996, Petroleum
exploration and production database: Houston, Texas, Petroconsultants,
Inc., [database available from Petroconsultants, Inc., P.O. Box 740619,
Houston, TX 77274-0619].
Thomas, 1995, Markets slow to develop
for Niger Delta gas reserves: Oil & Gas Journal, November 27, 1995,
p. 77-80.
Udo, O.T. and Ekweozor C.M., 1988,
Comparative source rock evaluation of Opuama Channel Complex and adjacent
producing areas of Niger delta: Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists
Bulletin, v. 3, no. 2, p. 10-27.
Udo, O.T., Ekweozor, C.M., and Okogun,
J.I., 1988, Petroleum geochemistry of an ancient clay-filled canyon in
the western Niger delta, Nigeria: Nigerian Association of Petroleum Explorationists
Bulletin, v. 3, p. 8-25.
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