Central West Antarctica Aeromagnetic References
- Behrendt, J.C., Blankenship, D.D., Finn, C.A., Bell, R.E.,
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- Behrendt, J.C., Saltus, R.W., Damaske, D., McCafferty, A., Finn,
C., Blankenship, D., and R. Bell, 1996, Patterns of late Cenozoic
volcanic and tectonic activity in the West Antarctic rift system
revealed by aeromagnetic surveys: Tectonics, v. 15, p. 660-676.
- Bell, R.E., Blankenship, D.D., Finn, C.A., Morse, D.L., and T.A.
Scambos, 1998, Aerogeophysical evidence for geologic controls on the
onset of a West Antarctic ice stream: Nature, v. 394, p. 58-62.
- Bell, R.E., Childers, V.A., Arko, R.A., Blankenship, D.D., and
J.M. Brozena, 1999, Airborne gravity and precise positioning for
geologic applications: Journal of Geophysical Research, v. 104, p.
- Blankenship, D., Bell, R., Hodge, S., Brozena, J., Behrendt, J.,
and C.A. Finn, 1993, Aerogeophysical evidence for active volcanism
beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet: Nature, v. 361, n. 6412, p.
- Cordell, L., Phillips, J.D., and R.H. Godson, 1992, U.S.
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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 92-18A-G, 16 p.
- Ferrigno, Jane G., Mullins, Jerry L., Stapleton, Jo Anne,
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- Mittal, P.K., 1984, Algorithm for error adjustment of potential
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- Saltus, R.W., and R.P. Kucks, 1992, Geomagnetic activity and its
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- Sweeney, R.E., 1990, IGRFGRID--A program for creation of a total
magnetic field (International Geomagnetic Reference Field) grid
representing the earth's main magnetic field: U.S. Geological
Survey Open-File Report 90-45, A-B, 37 p., 1 diskette.
- Sweeney, R.E., Finn, C.A., Behrendt, J.C., Blankenship, D.D.,
Bell, R.E., Hodge, S.M., Najmulski, K.A., Noonan, Maureen, Kucks,
R.P., Saltus, R.W., Griffiths, Kenneth, Arko, Robert, and Sheila
Dopplehammer, 1994, Aeromagnetic maps of the eastern Ross transect
zone, West Antarctica, Folio A: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File
Report 94-0180, 4 sheets, scale 1:250,000.
- Webring, M.W., 1981, MINC--A gridding program based on minimum
curvature: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 81-1224, 41 p.
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U.S. Department of the Interior
U.S. Geological Survey
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Last Modified Thursday, 19-Nov-1998 11:19:34 MST
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