The following ARC/INFO coverages are related to the main database and are included with the data set.
NTS-BASE---------------LINE-------------------Vectorized scan of the Beatty, Pahute Mesa, and western 7.5-minutes of the Pahranagat Range and Indian Springs 1:100,000-scale USGS topo maps.
NTS-BOUNDARY-----------LINE-------------------Boundary of the Nevada Test Site.
R4-FAULTS-SYM----------LINE-------------------Offset indicators for faults (bars-and-balls, strike slip arrows).
R4-FLT-TEXT------------POINT------------------Textpoint labels for fault names.
R4-GPFLTS-SYM----------LINE-------------------Offset indicators for geophysically located structures (bars-and-balls, strike slip arrows).
R4-FOLDS-SYM-----------LINE-------------------Fold sense indicators (anticline, syncline, and plunge arrows)
For polygons these attributes are:
The database consists of eight main coverages (and six related coverages; see Related_Spacial_and_Tabular_Datasets) which contain the folowing data:
R4-GEOLOGY-------LINES/POLYGONS-----Contains geologic contacts and unit labeled polygons. Line entities attributed with standard ARC/INFO attributes only. Polygon entities attributed with UNIT (unit symbol from description of map units in text) and SYMBOL (unit color value from alc1.shd shadeset).
R4-META----------POLYGONS-----------Contains areal extent of metamorphism in bedrock. Attributed with INDEX (numerical code for polygons of metamorphism).
R4-FAULTS--------LINES--------------Contains mapped fault lines. Line entities attributed with FSYMBOL (unique numerical code for each fault type), FSRCCODE (numerical code for description of fault exposure/source), and FTYPCODE (numerical code for type of fault).
R4-GPFLTS--------LINES--------------Contains geologic structures identified by interpretation of gravity data. Line entities attributed with CODE (numerical code for structure type), LABEL (text item with structure name where appropriate), and INDEX (numerical code indicating whether structure has a value for LABEL).
R4-TZONE---------LINES--------------Contains line indicating axial trace of a transverse zone located based upon several lines of evidence (see text). Line entity attributed with LABEL (text item labeling the transverse zone).
R4-FOLDS---------LINES--------------Contains fold axes as line entities. Attributed with CODE (numerical code for fold exposure and type; anticline/syncline).
R4-CALDERAS------LINES--------------Contains caldera walls as line entities. Attributed with CODE (numerical code for exposure type) and LABEL (text item with abbreviated name of caldera and wall type).
R4-ATTITUDES-----LINES--------------Contains lines to graphically display bedding attitude symbols and dip values. Line entities have only standard ARC/INFO attributes.
The attributes in the R4-GEOLOGY coverage are defined as: UNIT is a text string refering to the unit symbols used in the description of map units text provided with the map. SYMBOL is a number refering to author selected colors in the ARC/INFO shadeset alc1.shd available upon request.
The attributes in the R4-META coverage are defined as: CODE = 0 for internal polygons of no metamorphism CODE = 1 for polygons of metamorphism
The attributes in the R4-FAULTS coverage are defined as:
1--------11-------70----solid fault; undifferentiated
2--------12-------70----dashed fault; undifferentiated
3--------13-------70----dotted fault; undifferentiated
7--------11-------12----solid normal fault
8--------12-------12----dashed normal fault
9--------13-------12----dotted normal fault
12-------11-------22----solid thrust fault
13-------13-------22----dotted thrust fault
14-------31-------70----solid fault; test reactivated
16-------33-------70----dashed fault; test reactivated
20-------31-------12----normal fault; test reactivated
23-------11-------62----solid landslide
28-------11-------32----solid low-angle normal fault
29-------12-------32----dashed low-angle normal fault
30-------13-------32----dotted low-angle normal fault
31-------11-------42----solid rt-lateral fault
33-------13-------42----dotted rt-lateral fault
34-------11-------41----solid lft-lateral fault
35-------12-------41----dashed lft-lateral fault
36-------13-------41----dotted lft-lateral fault
40-------11-------54----solid oblique rt-lateral flt
41-------12-------54----dashed oblique rt-lateral flt
42-------13-------54----dotted oblique rt-lateral flt
46-------11-------53----solid oblique lft-lateral flt
47-------12-------53----dashed oblique lft-lateral flt
48-------13-------53----dotted oblique lft-lateral flt
50-------21-------12----solid normal flt in Quaternary
51-------21-------70----solid flt in Quaternary; undiff
53-------41-------12----normal flt in Quaternary; test reactivated
56-------51-------12----normal flt; test caused
57-------51-------70----solid flt; undiff; test caused
FSRCCODE values:
11 -- well-located natural fault or slip-surface trace
12 -- approximately located or inferred natural fault or slip-surface trace
13 -- concealed natural fault or slip-surface trace
21 -- natural fault that offsets Quaternary deposits
31 -- well-located fault in bedrock that ruptured in response to nuclear testing; existence of fault known prior to nuclear test but reactivation occurred in response to testing
32 -- approximately located or inferred fault in bedrock that ruptured in response to nuclear testing; existence of fault known prior to nuclear test but reactivation occurred in response to testing.
41 -- fault in Quaternary deposits that ruptured in response to nuclear testing; existence of fault known prior to nuclear test but reactivation occurred in response to testing.
51 -- fault first recognized on the basis of surface rupture due to nuclear testing; includes new ruptures in bedrock or Quaternary deposits resulting from test-induced reactivation of subsurface faults.
FTYPCODE values:
12 -- normal fault; down-to-right apparent offset
22 -- thrust fault; upper plate on right side
32 -- low-angle fault; (< 30 deg. dip); upper plate on right side
41 -- strike-slip fault; left-lateral sense of movement
42 -- strike-slip fault; right-lateral sense of movement
53 -- oblique-slip fault; down-to-right; left-lateral sense of movement
54 -- oblique-slip fault; down-to-right; right-lateral sense of movement
62 -- landslide slip-surface trace; Tertiary(?) slide block on right side
70 -- fault; displacement unspecified
The attributes in the R4-GPFLTS coverage are defined as: CODE = 1 for well constrained buried structures/faults. CODE = 2 for poorly constrained buried structures/faults. CODE = 5 for geophysically defined lineament. INDEX = 0 for structures not to be labeled on the map. INDEX = 1 for structures to be labeled on the map. LABEL is a text string for the structure's name (if given).
The attributes in the R4-TZONE coverage are defined as: LABEL is a text string for the structure's name.
The attributes in the R4-FOLDS coverage are defined as: CODE = 1 for well located anticline axis. CODE = 2 for approximately located anticline axis. CODE = 3 for concealed anticline axis. CODE = 4 for well located syncline axis. CODE = 5 for approximately located syncline axis. CODE = 6 for concealed syncline axis.
The attributes in the R4-CALDERAS coverage are defined as: CODE = 1 for well located caldera wall. CODE = 2 for approximately located caldera wall. CODE = 3 for concealed caldera wall. LABEL is a text string for the structure's name refering to the explanation of map symbols in the accompanying text.
The attributes in the R4-ATTITUDES coverage are standard.
Please refer to the ARC/INFO documentation for explanations of the standard attributes.