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OFR 99–0557: Utah Digitized Aeromagnetic Projects
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Flown By
Date Flown
0042 South Colorado Plateau USGS 08/1953-11/1953 1 mi. E-W 8500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0044 Uravan USGS 02/1952-09/1952 2 mi. E-W 500 AG
Tot.field, arb.datum P-316A
0128 North Colorado Plateau1 USGS 02/1955 1 mi. E-W 8500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0129 West Colorado Plateau1 USGS 10/1954 1 mi. E-W 8500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0211 La Sal Mountains '55 USGS 09/1955 1 mi. E-W 12,500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-316F
0215 Henry Mountains '54 USGS 10/1954 1 mi. E-W 12,500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0226 Salt Lake Valley H. L. USGS 10/1955 2 mi. E-W 12,000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum GP-422
0243 La Sal Mountains '562 USGS 08/1956 1 mi. E-W 12,500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-316F
0261 Abajo Mountains USGS 08/1956 1-2 mi. E-W 11,500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0262 Florence Canyon-Westwater1 USGS 08/1956 1 mi. E-W 8500 B
Tot.field, arb.datum P-736
0524 Milford USGS 11/1963 1 mi. E-W 9000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum GP-598
0554A Uinta Mountains West USGS 09/1965 2 mi. N-S 11,000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum 66-086
0554B Uinta Mountains East USGS 09/1965 2 mi. N-S 13,000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum 66-086
0658A Salt Lake Desert USGS 11/1968 1 mi. N-S 9000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum 71-289
0658B Salt Lake Desert - West USGS 11/1968 1 mi. N-S 12,000 B
Tot.field, arb.datum 71-289
0664 Bonneville USGS 05/1969-06/1969 5 mi. N-S 12,000 B
IGRF65? GP907,78-280,unpub
3011A Southwest Utah Scintrex 02/1972-03/1972 2 mi. N-S 9000 B
IGRF65 72-385,387
UT07 Cove Fort Aerial 08/1975 0.5 mi. N-S 12,000 B
IGRF75 IDO/28392-30
UT08 Black Rock Desert Aerial ?/1978 0.33 mi. N-S 1000 AG
IGRF75 ET-28392-39

1 See Project 0042. Projects 0128, 0129, and 0262 are fully merged with 0042.
2 See Project 0211. Project 0243 is fully merged with 0211.

Click on the individual survey numbers that are of interest to download ASCII XYZ file to your hard drive or click on the name to view a point plot.

Description of Table

No.: Internal USGS identification number
Name: Internal project name (not always the name used in publication title)
Flown By: Company or government agency who flew the original survey
Spacing and Dir.: Primary flight-line spacing and primary flight-line direction
Altitude: Primary flight altitude in feet; B = barometric elevation, AG = above ground draped over topography
LnMi.: Approximate total of line miles flown for this survey
Datum: Indicates if a regional field was removed and, if it could be determined, the base value removed. Total field = no regional was removed. Arb. (arbitrary) datum = the base value removed was not stated on the map.
Publication: Brief publication reference*. USGS publications are listed as: Open-File reports = xx-yyyy where xx is the publication year, Bulletins and Professional Papers = B-yyyy or P-yyyy, Geophysical Maps = GP-yyyy, Miscellaneous Field Studies Maps = MF-yyyy, Miscellaneous Investigations Maps = I-yyyy, Unpub = unpublished data, refers to all or part of the original project area.

*For more complete references see: Hill, P. L., 1991, Bibliographies and location maps of publications on aeromagnetic and aeroradiometric surveys for the states west of approximately 104° longitude (exclusive of Hawaii and Alaska): U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 91-0370-A, 172 p. 

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Further information about aeromagnetic data from the state of Kentucky can be obtained by contacting Pat Hill, (303) 236-1343, email (, or Bob Kucks, (303) 236-1405, email (, or click the button below.

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This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial Standards. Use of brand names is for descriptive purposes and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Last modified 9/14/1999. logo