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Surficial Geology and Distribution of Post-Impoundment Sediment in Las Vegas Bay, Lake Mead

Figure 6.  Thickness of sediment that has accumulated in Las Vegas Bay since impoundment of Lake Mead. Sediment thicknesses are in meters. Note that the scale is not in even increments. The thickest sediment is in the delta at the mouth of Las Vegas Wash, but note the tongues of moderately thick sediment beyond the deltas off Las Vegas and Gypsum Washes. In the remainder of Las Vegas Bay sediment is mostly less than 1.5 m thick and is limited to the floors of submerged stream beds.

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Figure 6.  Thickness of sediment that has accumulated in Las Vegas Bay since impoundment of Lake Mead. Sediment thicknesses are in meters. Figure 6.  Thickness of sediment that has accumulated in Las Vegas Bay since impoundment of Lake Mead. Sediment thicknesses are in meters.

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