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Photo--see description below.
(1919). This view, from the east side of the Mojave River valley looking west, shows the Mojave River in the distance with low bluffs of fine-grained river and lake deposits on the skyline. The river is lined with trees that are likely a mixture of cottonwoods (taller, darker trees) and Goodding willows (lower, lighter trees). Both old Route 66 and the railroad cross the midground. The vegetation in the foreground is mostly creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) (David Thompson 441, USGS Photo Library).
Photo--see description below.

(October 24, 2000). The trees along the river have increased in size and number despite ground-water pumpage in the vicinity. Cottonwood is now the most obvious species from this distance. The number of creosote bushes and other small shrubs in the foreground has greatly increased (Dominic Oldershaw, Stake 2114a).



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