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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

Block Island Sound: AST81-2 Seismic Profiles


Skip Table of Contents group; go to seismic profiles discussionOFR02-002 Home: return to OFR02-002 homepageINTRODUCTION: go to introductionSEISMIC DATA: Go to seismic data discussion
 Block Island Sound
 Summary Report
 Cruise Report
  Seismic Profiles
 Trackline Navigation
 Eastern Long Island Sound
 East-Central Long Island Sound
 West-Central Long Island Sound
 Western Long Island Sound
 Fishers Island Sound and Northeastern Long Island Sound  CORE DATA: Go to core data discussionPHOTO GALLERY: view photos of cruise activities and equipmentDATA CATALOG: Go to data catalog and browse available dataREFERENCES: view suggested referencesRELATED WEBSITES: go to a list of Long Island Sound related websitesACKNOWLEDGMENTS: view acknowledgmentsCONTACTS: view contact informationDISCLAIMER: view disclaimer informationREADME: view readme information

AST81-2 Seismic Profiles

The seismic profiles generated during leg 2 of the 1981 the RV ASTERIAS cruise to Block Island Sound and easternmost Long Island Sound can be accessed through either a trackline map or through a tabular data listing

Trackline Map

To access the seismic-reflection profiles through the trackline map, click on the line number to bring up a down-sampled grey-scale 'GIF' image of that seismic line.  The seismic line preview will be displayed in a new browser window.  Some seismic lines were completed in two or more segments.  When selecting one of those lines, all the line segment images will be displayed in a single html page.  The seismic images may also be found by browsing the data/seismics/81_2seis directory located at the top level of this report.

AST81-2: Seismic line 4.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 7.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 8.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 6.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 1.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 5.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 30.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 17 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 17 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 31.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 29 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 26.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 27 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 3.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 9.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 10.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 11.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 20.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 2.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 21 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 12 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 13.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 14.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 15 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 16 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 16 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 22.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 18.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 19.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 25.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 24.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 23.  Image will open in new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 28 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. AST81-2: Seismic line 28 comprised of multi segments.  Overview of line segments will open in a new browser window. Map illustration: Trackline map of R/V ASTERIAS 81-2 tracklines in Block Island Sound and easternmost Long Island Sound.  Seismic line numbers linked to seismic preview images.

Selecting a number from the above image will display the seismic profile for that line  in a new browser window.

Click here for a larger map view.
(Map will display in a new browser window.)

Data Listing

To view the seismic-reflection profiles through the data listing contained in the table below, click on the name of the PREVIEW IMAGE to display a down-sampled 'GIF' image of that seismic line. The image will be displayed in a new browser window. All PREVIEW IMAGE's have been reduced to 72dpi and a maximum width of 1000 pixels for optimum viewing with a web browser.  Because the preview images have been reduced to a standard length of 1000 pixels, please note that the images will not be of the same scale. To access a full-resolution image of the seismic profile, the user is advised to download the desired 'TIF' image, exit their browser, and open the file in an appropriate graphics application (such as Corel Draw 12 or Adobe Photoshop CS2). Instructions for downloading the full-resolution images follow the data listing.

The file naming structure for the seismic-reflection files is based on a cruise identifier, the line number, and a character indicating the section of that line (in case a line had to be broken into several sections). For example, a81_212b.tif signifies the RV ASTERIAS as the vessel, 1981 as the year, 2 as the leg, 12 as the line number, and b as the section. The sections are listed chronologically in alphabetical order and are not necessarily geographically continuous. The suffix indicates file format.

Skip Seismic Profile Data Listing; go to downloading instructions

AST81-2 Seismic Profile Data Listing

1   a81_201.gif a81_201.tif
2   a81_202.gif a81_202.tif
3   a81_203.gif a81_203.tif
4   a81_204.gif a81_204.tif
5   a81_205.gif a81_205.tif
6   a81_206.gif a81_206.tif
7   a81_207.gif a81_207.tif
8   a81_208.gif a81_208.tif
9   a81_209.gif a81_209.tif
10   a81_210.gif a81_210.tif
11   a81_211.gif a81_211.tif
12 a a81_212a.gif a81_212a.tif
12 b a81_212b.gif a81_212b.tif
13   a81_213.gif a81_213.tif
14   a81_214.gif a81_214.tif
15 a a81_215a.gif a81_215a.tif
15 b a81_215b.gif a81_215b.tif
16 a a81_216a.gif a81_216a.tif
16 b a81_216b.gif a81_216b.tif
16 c a81_216c.gif a81_216c.tif
17 a a81_217a.gif a81_217a.tif
17 b a81_217b.gif a81_217b.tif
18   a81_218.gif a81_218.tif
19   a81_219.gif a81_219.tif
20   a81_220.gif a81_220.tif
21 a a81_221a.gif a81_221a.tif
21 b a81_221b.gif a81_221b.tif
22   a81_222.gif a81_222.tif
23   a81_223.gif a81_223.tif
24   a81_224.gif a81_224.tif
25   a81_225.gif a81_225.tif
26   a81_226.gif a81_226.tif
27 a a81_227a.gif a81_227a.tif
27 b a81_227b.gif a81_227b.tif
28 a a81_228a.gif a81_228a.tif
28 b a81_228b.gif a81_228b.tif
28 c a81_228c.gif a81_228c.tif
28 d a81_228d.gif a81_228d.tif
29 a a81_229a.gif a81_229a.tif
29 b a81_229b.gif a81_229b.tif
30   a81_230.gif a81_230.tif
31   a81_231.gif a81_231.tif

Downloading with Microsoft Internet Explorer

To download a data file while using Microsoft Internet Explorer, the user should select the desired file by placing the system pointer on the file name from the data list and pressing the right mouse button. This will display a pull-down menu from which the user should drag the mouse to highlight "Save target as ..." and release the mouse button. Internet explorer will then prompt the user to specify the name and location of where the selected data file should be saved.

Downloading a selected file with Netscape

To download a data file while using the Netscape browser, the user should select the desired file by placing the system pointer on the file name from the data list and pressing and holding the right mouse button. This will display a pull-down menu from Netscape. The user should drag the mouse to highlight "Save this link as ..." and release the mouse button. Netscape will then prompt the user to specify the name and location of where the selected data file should be saved. Different operating systems and newer versions of Netscape might work somewhat differently. 

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 27-Mar-2024 13:52:54 EDT