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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

Eastern Long Island Sound: AST82-3 Cruise Report


Skip Table of Contents group; go to cruise reportOFR02-002 Home: return to OFR02-002 homepageINTRODUCTION: go to introductionSEISMIC DATA: Go to seismic data discussion
 Block Island Sound
 Eastern Long Island Sound Summary Report
  Cruise Report
 Seismic Profiles
 Trackline Navigation
 East-Central Long Island Sound
 West-Central Long Island Sound
 Western Long Island Sound
 Fishers Island Sound and Northeastern Long Island Sound  CORE DATA: Go to core data discussionPHOTO GALLERY: view photos of cruise activities and equipmentDATA CATALOG: Go to data catalog and browse available dataREFERENCES: view suggested referencesRELATED WEBSITES: go to a list of Long Island Sound related websitesACKNOWLEDGMENTS: view acknowledgmentsCONTACTS: view contact informationDISCLAIMER: view disclaimer informationREADME: view readme information


Alternate Leg or Cruise Number: 82-3
Platform:: R/V ASTERIAS
Submersible (if any):
Owner-Operator: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Captain: Arthur D. Colburn, WHOI
Center Principal and Affiliate Principal:
(if any)
Sally Wood Needell
Ralph Lewis - CT DEP
Area of Operations: Eastern Long Island Sound, Block Island Sound
Bounding Coordinates:
North: 41.20
South: 41.0
West: -72.75
East: -71.5
Start and End Dates: Sept 8, 1982 to Sep 18, 1982
Start and End Ports: from Woods Hole, MA to Block Island, RI
Number of Days at Sea: 11
Cruise Objectives:
  1. Define the geology and shallow structure of eastern Long Island Sound

  2. Determine the geologic framework and Quaternary development of the study area

  3. Identify and map potential geologic hazards

  4. Test the 300 J pressurized minisparker across Block Island Sound and compare records with Uniboom records from ASTERIAS 81-2 Block Island Sound cruise, September 1982.

Scientific Party (USGS): Sally Needell - Chief Scientist
Jack Connell - ET
Scientific Party (affiliate):

Ralph Lewis - CT DEP, geologist

Scientific Equipment:
  • EG&G Uniboom seismic profiling system

  • EPC recorder model 4603 (and EPC 4100 spare)

  • 300 J pressurized minisparker

  • Hewlett-Packard Instrumentation recorder, (Uniboom and minisparker only)

  • Texas Instruments Silent 700 ASP terminal

  • Northstar LORAN-C navigation system

  • EDO Western sidescan sonar system.

Navigation techniques used:


Cruise Funding Source:
Project Title:

New England Coastal Geology


Summary - Despite numerous equipment failures during the first 4 days of the survey, the Uniboom data were very good (excellent resolution and good penetration) except in areas underlain by gas which attenuated the signal. Sidescan sonar records were satisfactory. Records collected in Block Island Sound using the minisparker system were compared to former Uniboom records. The sparker records were found to be inferior in resolution and penetration.

Tabulated Information:
Days at Sea:


Continuous Data (in Km):


Number of Stations Occupied:
Number of Submersible Dives:
Station Descriptions:
Track Plot:
Related Web Sites: Long Island Sound Studies

Long Island Sound Interactive Mapping

Submitted by: Sally Wood Needell

Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

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