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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release

PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY: Geophysical Operations


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  Geophysical Operations
 Coring Operations
  DATA CATALOG: Go to data catalog and browse available dataREFERENCES: view suggested referencesRELATED WEBSITES: go to a list of Long Island Sound related websitesACKNOWLEDGMENTS: view acknowledgmentsCONTACTS: view contact informationDISCLAIMER: view disclaimer informationREADME: view readme information

This gallery contains photographs of the equipment used to collect the geophysical data presented on this DVD. Click on the thumbnail to view the desired photograph. A larger photograph will be displayed in a new browser window.

RV ASTERIAS (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, WHOI) in New London Harbor, CT, for Cruise 82-3.  Captain Arthur D. ("Dick") Colburn (WHOI) at the helm with Sally Needell (Chief Scientist) and Jack Connell (both with USGS) on deck.	RV ASTERIAS alongside a dock during cruise AST 85-8. RV ASTERIAS alongside the dock in Northport Harbor, NY, on Long Island during cruise AST 85-8.
Captain "Dick" Colburn at the helm while Sally Needell maintains logs in the wheelhouse of the RV ASTERIAS. RV UCONN at the dock in Noank, CT.   Robert N. ("Bob") Oldale (USGS) is standing on the UCONN deck to bid farewell to the RV ASTERIAS as it departs for day two of cruise AST 90-1. RV UCONN at the dock at City Point Marina, New Haven, CT during cruise UCONN 84-1.  From right to left Dave Nichols (USGS), Captain Larry Burch (University of Connecticut, UCONN), "Red" Banker (UCONN) and Dave Mason (USGS) pose for posterity.
RV UCONN at the dock in Port Jefferson, Long Island, NY during cruise UCONN 84-1 Captain Larry Burch (right) and "Red" Banker in the wheelhouse of the RV UCONN during cruise UCONN 84-1. "Red" Banker (right) at the helm of the RV UCONN during cruise UCONN84-1).
EG&G "Uniboom" sled, used as part of the boomer seismic-profiling system, on the deck of the RV ASTERIAS during cruise AST 85-8. ORE "Geopulse" sled with yellow and black sound source and power cable clearly visible during cruise AST 85-8. Benthos 10-element hydrophone streamer on the deck of the RV ASTERIAS during cruise AST 85-8.
EG&G and ORE "boomer" seismic-profiling system sleds and hydrophones along with a Klein sidescan sonar fish (upper right, with yellow depressor wing attached) on the deck of the RV ASTERIAS during AST 85-8. The EG&G "Uniboom" sled flying outboard of the RV ASTERIAS's wake to minimize noise in the seismic records during cruise AST 85-8. The sidescan sonar is deployed directly aft and the spare ORE boomer system is stored on deck. Picture looks directly aft on the RV ASTERIAS during cruise AST82-3.  An EG&G "Uniboom" sound-source sled is deployed to the left (starboard side), the accompanying Benthos hydrophone is streaming along the sea surface to the far right, and the sidescan sonar is deployed over the stern in the middle.
An EG&G "Uniboom" sound-source sled deployed to starboard from the RV UCONN during cruise UCONN 84-1. A Benthos 10-element hydrophone streamer deployed to port from the RV UCONN during cruise UCONN 84-1. An EG&G Model 234 power supply.
A typical stack of equipment for controlling "boomer-type" seismic-profiling systems and data recorders aboard the RV ASTERIAS.  From top to bottom: electronic technician's monitoring box with built-in oscilloscope, electronic clock, seismic source control box, data recorder control box, and seismic signal pre-amp/filter box. An EPC flatbed dry-paper graphic recorder setup aboard the RV ASTERIAS. The Loran-C navigation system display box on the RV ASTERIAS.
From left to right, aboard the RV ASTERIAS: reel-to-reel, 8-track tape recorder for recording seismic data; "Silent 700" recorder and hard-copy printer terminal for navigation data; USGS cruise operations manual (blue folder); Loran-C display box; and (lower right) manual trigger for marking records.  Seismic record being generated on an EPC graphic recorder , with time marks labeled, during a cruise aboard the RV ASTERIAS.  Navigation log for cruise AST 83-2.
Equipment setup during cruise UCONN 84-1. (EPC graphic recorder (left); HP 8-track tape deck (center); Datasonics signal processor (right top); and oscilloscope (right bottom). Navigational equipment setup during cruise UCONN84-1. Loran-C display box (left); Silent 700 terminal (right).
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

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