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Open-File Report 2002-002

Prepared in cooperation with with the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-002

Geological Framework Data from Long Island Sound, 1981-1990:

A Digital Data Release



Skip Table of Contents group; go to introductionOFR02-002 Home: return to OFR02-002 homepageINTRODUCTION: go to introductionSEISMIC DATA: Go to seismic data discussionCORE DATA: Go to core data discussionPHOTO GALLERY: view photos of cruise activities and equipment
 Geophysical Operations
 Coring Operations
  DATA CATALOG: Go to data catalog and browse available dataREFERENCES: view suggested referencesRELATED WEBSITES: go to a list of Long Island Sound related websitesACKNOWLEDGMENTS: view acknowledgmentsCONTACTS: view contact informationDISCLAIMER: view disclaimer informationREADME: view readme information

This gallery contains photographs of the personnel that participated in the acquisition of the data released on this DVD. Click on the thumbnail to view the desired photograph. A larger photograph will be displayed in a new browser window.

Captain Arthur D. ("Dick") Colburn (WHOI) in his customary position at the helm of the RV Asterias during cruise AST 81-2. Captain Colburn (WHOI) with Frank Jennings (USGS) in the wheelhouse of the RV Asterias during cruise AST 81-2. Captain Colburn on the aft deck of the RV Asterias during cruise AST 82-3.
Captain Colburn plotting a course during the early stages of cruise AST 82-3. Sally Needell (USGS) fulfilling her "chief scientist" role, with her hands full, during cruise AST 82-3. Sally Needell (USGS) prepared to depart from Block Island, RI, on cruise AST 82-3.
Sally Needell and Jack Connell (both with USGS) on the aft deck of the RV Asterias during cruise AST 82-3. Robert N. ("Bob") Oldale and Jack Connell (both with USGS) enjoying the morning aboard the RV Asterias during cruise AST 83-2. Captain Colburn and Stewart Richards (USGS) following the progress of cruise AST 83-2.
Ralph Lewis (State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut) on one of the RV ASTERIAS cruises. Ralph Lewis (State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut) annotating seismic records on an RV ASTERIAS cruise. Dave Mason (USGS) during cruise UCONN 84-1.
Gerald Edwards (USGS) keeping an eye on the equipment during cruise UCONN 84-1. Mary DiGiacomo-Cohen (State Geological and Natural History Survey of Connecticut) preparing to "go to sea" on the RV ASTERIAS cruise AST 90-1, Noank, CT. The stern of the RV UCONN is visible behind Mary. Bob Oldale and Ken Parolski (both with USGS) enjoying a flat calm first day during cruise AST 90-1.
Bob Oldale and Janet Radway Stone (both from USGS) on the deck of the RV UCONN at 06:45 hrs.  Janet is raring to board the RV ASTERIAS for day two of Cruise AST 90-1 (see picture E5 for the rest of the story). Janet Stone (USGS) at a more reasonable hour (AST 90-1). Ken Parolski (marine seismic specialist, USGS) aboard the RV ASTERIAS.
Ken Parolski (marine seismic specialist, USGS) keeps a sharp eye on the weather aboard the RV ASTERIAS.   Captain Dave Olmstead (WHOI) and an unidentified assistant aboard the RV ASTERIAS during cruise AST 90-1.
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection

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