Multibeam Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter Data
This Open-File Report contains the bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data from the 2001 multibeam survey of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico. The data are provided in two formats (XYZ and ArcInfo GRID) that can be used in a number of GIS and other software packages. Data XYZ format The data are available in comma delimited XYZ (x-coordinate, y-coordinate, value) format. Instructions 1. Click on the links below to download the files. 2. Uncompress the files. The files are compressed with WinZip 7.0. 3. The uncompression will result in a new comma delimited file (bathy.csv, mos.csv). Disclaimer: Downloading files from the Internet can sometimes be problematic. Different web browsers and operating systems act differently. The instructions above may vary from system to system or may not work at all.
Projection Information Geographic Units: Decimal Degrees Zunits: NO [backscatter]; Meters [bathymetry] Datum: WGS84 FGDC Compliant Metadata for ASCII XYZ format ArcInfo GRID format The data are also available in ArcInfo GRID format that can be used directly in ESRI ArcInfo, ArcView, or any other GIS or remote sensing software package that supports ESRI GRID format. In ArcView, the GRID files will be most useful with the Spatial Analyst Extension. Disclaimer: Downloading files from the Internet can sometimes be problematic. Different web browsers and operating systems act differently. The instructions below may vary from system to system or may not work at all. One known problem is sometimes Netscape Navigator automatically changes the .tgz suffix to .tar during the download. If this happens change the .tar suffix back to .tgz after the download. Double click on the icon and Winzip should start up. Download GRIDS to desktop 1. Click on each link below to download the files to the desktop. 2. Uncompress and unbundle the files. Since ESRI GRIDs are directories of files the directories have been bundled into a single file for downloading. Each bundled file is also compressed for faster downloading. Windows - Double click on each file. Winzip 7.0 will recognize the file is compressed and bundled. UNIX - Uncompress using "gunzip" then unbundle using "tar xf". 3. The bathymetry and acoustic backscatter GRID files (i.e nbathyg and nmosg) are contained within each respective folder (nbathy and nmos).
Projection Information FGDC Compliant Metadata for ArcInfo GRID format: |