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Environmental Atlas of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin

Lake Pontchartrain Atlas Home
Lake Pontchartrain Atlas:
Table of Contents
Environmental Overview
Environmental Status & Trends
Physical Environments
Basin Geology
Biological Resources You are at the Biological Resources section of the Environmental Atlas of Lake Pontchartrain
Environmental Issues
Jack Kindinger
Biological Resources: Habitat Inventory | Estuarine Living Marine Resources | Essential Fisheries Habitat | Submersed Aquatic Vegetation

Biological Resources - Essential Fisheries Habitat (EFH)

Contributor: Howard
Map Showing the Relative Abundance of Spanish Mackerel and Spiny Lobster, Breton Sound.
Click on the links or the images below to download the pdf files. You will need to have the free Adobe Acrobat® Reader (v3.0 or higher) installed on your computer to view and print the data.
Map showing the relative abundance of Spanish Mackerel - Adults
Spanish Mackerel - Adults
Scomberomorus maculatus

[Download the pdf file (66K)]
Map showing the relative abundance of Spanish Mackerel - Juveniles
Spanish Mackerel - Juveniles
Scomberomorus maculatus

[Download the pdf file (66K)]
Map showing the relative abundance of Spanish Mackerel - Adults
Spiny Lobster - Adults
Panulirus argus

[Download the pdf file (61K)]
Map showing the relative abundance of Spiney Lobster - Juveniles
Spiny Lobster - Juveniles
Panulirus argus

[Download the pdf file (61K)]

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