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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 02-360
Online Version 1.0

Geochemical Characterization of Drainage Prior to Reclamation at the Abandoned Valzinco Mine, Spotsylvania County, Virginia

By Robert R. Seal II, Adam N. Johnson, Jane M. Hammarstrom, and Allen L. Meier


The U.S. Geological Survey has undertaken a three part study of water chemistry at the abandoned Valzinco mine, in the Knight's Branch watershed in Spotsylvania County, Virginia, in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy. The first part is a detailed water-quality sampling study. The purpose of this sampling is to delineate the complexity and variety of geochemical environments at the site. The second part is pre-reclamation water-quality sampling at one point upstream of the mine site and at two points downstream of the mine site conducted on a quarterly basis. The purpose of this sampling is to provide a pre-reclamation assessment of seasonal variations of acid and metal concentrations in Knight's Branch to serve as a baseline from which to judge the success of the reclamation project. The third part is post-reclamation water-quality study to be initiated in Summer 2002.

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Contact Information

Inquiries about this product should be addressed to:

Robert R. Seal
U.S. Geological Survey MS 954
National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
Reston, VA 20192

Tel: 703-648-6290

This open-file report is available from the USGS Information Services.

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