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Digital Mapping Techniques '02 -- Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-370

APPENDIX A: List of Workshop Attendees

[Grouped by affiliation]
Alabama Geological Survey
Nick Tew

Alaska Division of Geologic and Geophysical Surveys
Gail Davidson
Larry Freeman

Albanian Geological Survey
Burbuqe Agolli
Mimiza Simixhiu

Arizona Geological Survey
Stephen Richard

California Geological Survey
George Saucedo

Colorado Geological Survey
Randal Phillips

Colorado State University/National Park Service
Victor de Wolfe III
Stephanie O'Meara
Trista Thornberry

Mike Price
Chris Wayne

GIS Consultants
Bruce Joffe

Geological Survey of Canada
Martin Anctil
Eric Boisvert
Boyan Brodaric
Peter Davenport
Marianne Quat

Idaho Geological Survey
Jane Freed
Kurt Othberg
Loudon Stanford
Benjamin Studer

Illinois State Geological Survey
Curt Abert
Daniel Byers
Jane Domier
Patrick Johnstone
Don Keefer
Robert Krumm
Barbara Stiff

Indiana Geological Survey
Richard Hill
Kim Sowder

Kansas Geological Survey
David Collins
Jorgina Ross

Kennecott Utah Copper
Stan Nelson

Kentucky Geological Survey
James Cobb
Jerry Weisenfluh

Library of Congress
Colleen Cahill

Todd Packebush

Louisiana Geological Survey
R. Hampton Peele
John Snead

Gary Edmondo

Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology
Patrick Kennelly
Susan Smith
Paul Thale

National Park Service
Tim Connors
Anne Poole

Natural Resources Canada
Vic Dohar
Dave Everett
Terry Houlahan

Nevada Bureau of Mines & Geology
Gary Johnson

New Hampshire Geological Survey
Rick Chormann

New Mexico Bureau of Mines & Mineral Resources
Kathryn Glesener
David McCraw

North Dakota Geological Survey
Mark Gonzales
Lorraine Manz

Ohio Geological Survey
Thomas Berg
James McDonald

Oklahoma Geological Survey
James Anderson
Russell Standridge

Onyx Graphics Corp.
Dean Derhak

Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Clark Niewendorp

Pennsylvania Geological Survey
William Kochanov
Thomas Whitfield

University of Alabama
Doug Behm
Craig Remington

University of California, Berkeley
George Brimhall

University of California, Santa Barbara
Jordan Hastings
Ada Otter

U.S. Geological Survey
Debra Block
VeeAnn Cross
James Estabrook
Bruce Johnson
Diane Lane
Peter Lyttle
Peter Schweitzer
Dave Soller
Nancy Stamm
Will Stettner
Ronald Wahl
Bruce Wardlaw
Robert Wardwell

Utah Department of Transportation
Christopher Meredith

Utah Geological Survey
Kelli Bacon
Bob Biek
Kent Brown
Matthew Butler
Bill Case
Jon King
Basia Matyjasik
James Parker
Pat Speranza
Doug Sprinkel
Neil Storey
Grant Willis

Washington Department of Natural Resources
Charles Caruthers

West Virginia Geological Survey
Jane McColloch
Scott McColloch

Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey
Mindy James
Kurt Zeiler

Wyoming Geological Survey
Joseph Huss

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