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Digital Mapping Techniques '02 -- Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-370


By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Oral Presentations

The Value of Geologic Maps and the Need for Digitally Vectorized Data
By James C. Cobb (Kentucky Geological Survey)

Compilation of a 1:24,000-Scale Geologic Map Database, Phoenix Metropolitan Area
By Stephen M. Richard and Tim R. Orr (Arizona Geological Survey)

Distributed Spatial Databases--The MIDCARB Carbon Sequestration Project
By Gerald A. Weisenfluh (Kentucky Geological Survey), Nathan K. Eaton (Indiana Geological Survey), and Ken Nelson (Kansas Geological Survey)

Developing a Working Database for Mapping and Modeling in Illinois
By Barbara Stiff (Illinois State Geological Survey)

Surveyors and GIS Professionals Reach Accord
By Bruce A. Joffe (GIS Consultants)

Field Description of the Scientific and Locational Accuracy of Geologic Features (A Part of the Draft FGDC Geologic Map Symbolization Standard)
By David R. Soller, Taryn A. Lindquist, and Jonathan C. Matti (U.S. Geological Survey)

Progress Report: North American Geologic Map Data Model Design Team
By the Data Model Design Team

A Scalable, Digital Map Database of Bedrock Geology for Canada: A Progress Report
By Peter Davenport (Geological Survey of Canada), Eric Boisvert, Marianne Quat, Andy Okulitch, Boyan Brodaric, Stephen Colman-Sadd, Larry Nolan, Bert Struik, Don MacIntyre , Ping Tzeng, David Scott, Celine Gilbert, Grant Abbott, Andrea Bassan, Murray Journeay, Jodie Francis, and Terry Houlahan

A Geologic Gazetteer of the Lake Tahoe Region
By Jordan Hastings and Ada Otter (University of California, Santa Barbara)

The National Geologic Map Database: A Progress Report
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey) and Thomas M. Berg (Ohio Geological Survey)

The I-Team Initiative and Geology Framework Layers--Making Sure Geology Is Included
By Patrick J. Kennelly (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology) and Grant C. Willis (Utah Geological Survey)

MRLC2000 Image Data and Geologic Mapping
By Ronald R. Wahl and David A. Sawyer (U.S. Geological Survey)

The National Park Service Geologic Resources Inventory: An Update
By Tim Connors (National Park Service), Stephanie A. O'Meara (Colorado State University/National Park Service), Trista L. Thornberry, Joe D. Gregson, Anne R. Poole, and Bruce Heise (National Park Service)

Scanning and Delivery of Historic Maps Over the Web: The Library of Congress Experience
By Colleen R. Cahill, Gene E. Roberts, and Diane Schug-O'Neill (Library of Congress)

The Alaska DGGS Scanning Project: Conception, Execution, and Reality
By Gail Davidson, Lauren Staft, and E. Ellen Daley (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys)

New Tricks for Old Dogs: A Digital Technique for Producing Mylar Base Maps for Geologic Mapping and Compilation
By Adam S. Read, David J. McCraw, and Geoffrey Rawling (New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources)

Computer-Aided Structure-Contour Mapping in Support of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey Bedrock-Geology Program
By James McDonald (Ohio Geological Survey)

Digitial Geologic Field Mapping Using ArcPad
By Gary P. Edmondo (MinGIS)

Techniques for Improved Geologic Modeling
By Donald A. Keefer (Illinois State Geological Survey)

GeoMapper Program for Paperless Field Mapping With Seamless Map Production in ESRI ArcMap and GeoLogger for Drill-Hole Data Capture: Applications in Geology, Astronomy, Environmental Remediation, and Raised-Relief Models
By George H Brimhall, Abel Vanegas, and Derek Lerch (University of California, Berkeley)

Overcoming Institutional Barriers to GIS Coordination: Building a State GIS Council--The Alabama Experience
By Berry H. (Nick) Tew, Jr. (Geological Survey of Alabama)

Vendor Presentations and Contact Information

Poster Presentations

Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Database Development--Logical Model
By Larry Freeman (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys), Kathryn Engle (GeoNorth, LLC), and Carrie Browne (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys)

Using NADM in a Distributed Framework
By Eric Boisvert, Annie Morin, and Martin Anctil (Geological Survey of Canada)

Got Digital Map Data. Now What? How the Idaho Geological Survey Distributes Digital Geologic Map Data
By B. Benjamin E. Studer and Loudon R. Stanford (Idaho Geological Survey)

Digital Archives and Metadata as Mechanisms to Preserve Institutional Memory
By John C. Steinmetz, Richard T. Hill, and Kimberly H. Sowder (Indiana Geological Survey)

Mapping Aquifer Sensitivity in Tazewell County, Illinois
By Patrick D. Johnstone (Illinois State Geological Survey)

Visualizing the Uncertainty of Geologic Maps
By Patrick J. Kennelly (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology)

From Paper to Digital: A Geologic Map's Odyssey
By Stephanie A. O'Meara (National Park Service/Colorado State University), Tim Connors, Trista L. Thornberry, Joe D. Gregson, Anne R. Poole, And Bruce Heise (National Park Service)

Cartographic Observations from Production of the Surficial Geologic Map of Northern New Jersey
By James R. Estabrook, D. Paul Mathieux, and Will R. Stettner (U.S. Geological Survey)

Raster to Vector Conversion of Geologic Maps: Using R2V from Able Software Corporation
By Kent D. Brown (Utah Geological Survey)

Ground-Water Quality Classification Using GIS Contouring Methods for Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah
By Matt Butler, Janae Wallace, and Mike Lowe (Utah Geological Survey)


Appendix A. List of Workshop Attendees

Appendix B. Workshop Web Site

Appendix C. List of Addresses, Telephone Numbers, and URL's for Software and Hardware Suppliers

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