Digital Mapping Techniques '02 -- Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-370
- Introduction
- By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)
Oral Presentations
- The Value of Geologic Maps and the Need for Digitally Vectorized Data
- By James C. Cobb (Kentucky Geological Survey)
- Compilation of a 1:24,000-Scale Geologic Map Database, Phoenix Metropolitan Area
- By Stephen M. Richard and Tim R. Orr (Arizona Geological Survey)
- Distributed Spatial Databases--The MIDCARB Carbon Sequestration Project
- By Gerald A. Weisenfluh (Kentucky Geological Survey), Nathan K. Eaton (Indiana Geological Survey), and Ken Nelson (Kansas Geological Survey)
- Developing a Working Database for Mapping and Modeling in Illinois
- By Barbara Stiff (Illinois State Geological Survey)
- Surveyors and GIS Professionals Reach Accord
- By Bruce A. Joffe (GIS Consultants)
- Field Description of the Scientific and Locational Accuracy of Geologic Features (A Part of the Draft FGDC Geologic Map Symbolization Standard)
- By David R. Soller, Taryn A. Lindquist, and Jonathan C. Matti (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Progress Report: North American Geologic Map Data Model Design Team
- By the Data Model Design Team
- A Scalable, Digital Map Database of Bedrock Geology for Canada: A Progress Report
- By Peter Davenport (Geological Survey of Canada), Eric Boisvert, Marianne Quat, Andy Okulitch, Boyan Brodaric, Stephen Colman-Sadd, Larry Nolan, Bert Struik, Don MacIntyre , Ping Tzeng, David Scott, Celine Gilbert, Grant Abbott, Andrea Bassan, Murray Journeay, Jodie Francis, and Terry Houlahan
- A Geologic Gazetteer of the Lake Tahoe Region
- By Jordan Hastings and Ada Otter (University of California, Santa Barbara)
- The National Geologic Map Database: A Progress Report
- By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey) and Thomas M. Berg (Ohio Geological Survey)
- The I-Team Initiative and Geology Framework Layers--Making Sure Geology Is Included
- By Patrick J. Kennelly (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology) and Grant C. Willis (Utah Geological Survey)
- MRLC2000 Image Data and Geologic Mapping
- By Ronald R. Wahl and David A. Sawyer (U.S. Geological Survey)
- The National Park Service Geologic Resources Inventory: An Update
- By Tim Connors (National Park Service), Stephanie A. O'Meara (Colorado State University/National Park Service), Trista L. Thornberry, Joe D. Gregson, Anne R. Poole, and Bruce Heise (National Park Service)
- Scanning and Delivery of Historic Maps Over the Web: The Library of Congress Experience
- By Colleen R. Cahill, Gene E. Roberts, and Diane Schug-O'Neill (Library of Congress)
- The Alaska DGGS Scanning Project: Conception, Execution, and Reality
- By Gail Davidson, Lauren Staft, and E. Ellen Daley (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys)
- New Tricks for Old Dogs: A Digital Technique for Producing Mylar Base Maps for Geologic Mapping and Compilation
- By Adam S. Read, David J. McCraw, and Geoffrey Rawling (New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources)
- Computer-Aided Structure-Contour Mapping in Support of the Ohio Division of Geological Survey Bedrock-Geology Program
- By James McDonald (Ohio Geological Survey)
- Digitial Geologic Field Mapping Using ArcPad
- By Gary P. Edmondo (MinGIS)
- Techniques for Improved Geologic Modeling
- By Donald A. Keefer (Illinois State Geological Survey)
- GeoMapper Program for Paperless Field Mapping With Seamless Map Production in ESRI ArcMap and GeoLogger for Drill-Hole Data Capture: Applications in Geology, Astronomy, Environmental Remediation, and Raised-Relief Models
- By George H Brimhall, Abel Vanegas, and Derek Lerch (University of California, Berkeley)
- Overcoming Institutional Barriers to GIS Coordination: Building a State GIS Council--The Alabama Experience
- By Berry H. (Nick) Tew, Jr. (Geological Survey of Alabama)
- Vendor Presentations and Contact Information
Poster Presentations
- Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys Geologic Database Development--Logical Model
- By Larry Freeman (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys), Kathryn Engle (GeoNorth, LLC), and Carrie Browne (Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys)
- Using NADM in a Distributed Framework
- By Eric Boisvert, Annie Morin, and Martin Anctil (Geological Survey of Canada)
- Got Digital Map Data. Now What? How the Idaho Geological Survey Distributes Digital Geologic Map Data
- By B. Benjamin E. Studer and Loudon R. Stanford (Idaho Geological Survey)
- Digital Archives and Metadata as Mechanisms to Preserve Institutional Memory
- By John C. Steinmetz, Richard T. Hill, and Kimberly H. Sowder (Indiana Geological Survey)
- Mapping Aquifer Sensitivity in Tazewell County, Illinois
- By Patrick D. Johnstone (Illinois State Geological Survey)
- Visualizing the Uncertainty of Geologic Maps
- By Patrick J. Kennelly (Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology)
- From Paper to Digital: A Geologic Map's Odyssey
- By Stephanie A. O'Meara (National Park Service/Colorado State University), Tim Connors, Trista L. Thornberry, Joe D. Gregson, Anne R. Poole, And Bruce Heise (National Park Service)
- Cartographic Observations from Production of the Surficial Geologic Map of Northern New Jersey
- By James R. Estabrook, D. Paul Mathieux, and Will R. Stettner (U.S. Geological Survey)
- Raster to Vector Conversion of Geologic Maps: Using R2V from Able Software Corporation
- By Kent D. Brown (Utah Geological Survey)
- Ground-Water Quality Classification Using GIS Contouring Methods for Cedar Valley, Iron County, Utah
- By Matt Butler, Janae Wallace, and Mike Lowe (Utah Geological Survey)
- Appendix A. List of Workshop Attendees
- Appendix B. Workshop Web Site
- Appendix C. List of Addresses, Telephone Numbers, and URL's for Software and Hardware Suppliers
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U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Maintained by David R. Soller
Last modified: 19:15:33 Wed 07 Dec 2016
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