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Digital Mapping Techniques '02 -- Workshop Proceedings
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 02-370

Vendor Presentations and Contact Information

The Digital Mapping Techniques '02 workshop was attended by technical experts from selected software and hardware companies. These individuals provided technical troubleshooting and general information to the geological survey workshop attendees, and the workshop organizers offer sincere thanks for their significant contributions to the meeting. The DMT workshop series is designed as a collegial event, where information is freely shared in recognition of a common set of goals. Our colleagues in the vendor community certainly contributed to the workshop's success.

Mike Price of Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., (ESRI) provided technical guidance and support for the half-day field demonstration of portable data-capture systems, which was the first event of the meeting. Mike also gave an oral presentation that described the various ESRI software products. In this presentation, he noted that ESRI has engaged the geologic community in a formal process to develop a geologic data model compatible with their Geodatabase structure. In early 2002 a planning meeting was held at ESRI headquarters, attended by representatives from the British, Canadian, Dutch, and United States geological surveys. Progress on this initiative will be posted at . For further information, please contact Andrew Zolnai (ESRI Petroleum Manager, ( or Steve Grise ( ESRI also provided operating funds for the meeting, and we sincerely thank ESRI and Mike for their generosity and for their interest in this meeting. For information regarding ESRI products and/or the geologic data model development, please contact:

Andrew Zolnai, Petroleum and Pipeline Manager
Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
380 New York St.,
Redlands, CA 92373-8100
Telephone: (909) 793-2853
Corporate Web site:
Dean Derhak of Onyx Graphics gave a presentation entitled "Using Onyx PosterShop products in GIS/Mapping -- A Brief Introduction." Onyx Graphics offers RIP software for large-format printing devices including Hewlett-Packard, Epson, Encad, and Canon, and they support a wide range of image file formats. Onyx RIP Products allow you to print directly from your Mac or PC mapping software, drive multiple printers from the same computer system, process and print on the fly, scan your maps directly into the RIP software, scale maps to almost any size, use light inks to preserve map detail and smoothness in light areas, process and print files of almost any size, and quickly open large image files and do real-time color adjustments on-screen. Contact information:
Dean Derhak
Onyx Graphics
6915 Hightech Dr.
Midvale, UT 84047
Telephone: (801) 984-5318
Corporate Web site:
Todd Packebush of LizardTech, Inc. gave a presentation entitled "Create, Distribute, Archive and View Complex Content Efficiently, with LizardTech Image Compression Software." LizardTech makes documents, imagery, and photographs "network-ready" for rapid distribution and access with efficient storage, resulting in improvements in productivity, measurable cost savings and dramatic increases in the value of the information by making it more accessible and useful. Contact information:
Todd H. Packebush
SW Territory Manager
LizardTech, Inc.
Telephone: (206) 652-5211
We also warmly thank Mike Price (ESRI), Chris Wayne (ESRI), and Gary Edmundo (MinGIS, Reno, NV) for their technical expertise and assistance in conducting the pre-meeting field demonstration of portable geologic mapping gear (i.e., ArcPad software on PDA's, supported by GPS).

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