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Open-File Report 03-088


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The ArcView projects and shapefiles used to create the trackline maps on this disc and a README.rtf file that describes the projects in detail can be found within the ARC subfolder of the SOFTWARE folder located at the top level of this disc. The projects were created with Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI)'s GIS software ArcView 3.2 and are compatible with ArcView 3.x (Unix or Windows) and ArcGIS 8.x (Windows). The shapefiles can also be viewed using the public domain software ArcExplorer 2.0 (Windows) and 4.0 (Windows, Unix, Linux), which can be downloaded from the ESRI website at


Seismic Unix (SU) is a public domain seismic processing software package written and maintained by the Center for Wave Phenomena at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. The current web site for Seismic Unix is SU is compatible with both Unix and Linux operating systems. The SU scripts provided on this disc were modified from scripts written by the USGS Seafloor Mapping Group in Woods Hole, MA, and run on a Red Hat Linux 7.3 workstation. These SU scripts are in the Linux tar files boom.tar and chirp.tar, which can be found in the SU subfolder of the SOFTWARE folder located at the top level of this DVD. These scripts are provided as examples only. They may need to be modified to run on another system. They also require the use of the shareware program ImageMagick.

The Seismic Unix scripts provided here will allow the user to strip off navigation fixes from the SEG-Y headers, along with a fix for every 500 shots. The scripts then convert the seismic data to Seismic Unix format, where it is filtered (boomer data only) and gained, and a GIF-formatted image of each profile is produced. These images can then be displayed using a variety of shareware programs such as ImageMagick (Unix or Linux) or a web browser.

Please refer to the Seismic Profiles page for important instructions on HOW TO DOWNLOAD THE SEG-Y DATA FILES.


DUMPSEGY.EXE is a DOS seismic data utility that allows the user to examine all the components of the SEG-Y data files (Zihlman, 1992): the EBCDIC and binary headers, the individual data trace headers, and the hexadecimal SEG-Y samples composing a data trace, or their actual floating point values. The DUMPSEGY.TXT file is the original open-file report that gives detailed instructions on how to use DUMPSEGY.EXE. The DSGYNEWS.TXT file describes the upgrades to the original program. All of these files are located in the USGS subfolder of the SOFTWARE folder located at the top level of this DVD. Please refer to DUMPSEGY.TXT and DSGYNEWS.TXT for further infomation and instruction.

Zihlman, F.N., 1992, DUMPSEGY V1.0: A program to examine the contents of SEG-Y disk-image seismic data: U.S. Geological Survey Open File 92-590.

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