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Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Olympic National Park to Sea-Level Rise, USGS Open-File Report 2004-1021

Map of Coastal Vulnerability

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Figure 2. Shoreline grid for Olympic National Park.
Figure 2. Shoreline grid for Olympic National Park. Click on figure for larger image.

Data for each of the six variables mentioned above were gathered from state and federal agencies to develop a database for a park-wide assessment of coastal vulnerability (Table 2). The database is based on that used by Thieler and Hammar-Klose (1999) and loosely follows an earlier database developed by Gornitz and White (1992). A comparable assessment of the sensitivity of the Canadian coast to sea-level rise is presented by Shaw and others (1998). The database was constructed using a 1:70,000-scale shoreline for the Olympic Peninsula that was produced from the medium resolution digital vector U.S. shoreline provided by the Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA) Division of NOAA's Office of Ocean Resources Conservation and Assessment (ORCA) ( Data for each of the six variables (geomorphology, shoreline change, coastal slope, relative sea-level rise, significant wave height, and tidal range) were added to the shoreline attribute table using a 1-minute (approximately 1.5 km) grid (Figure 2). Next the data were assigned a relative vulnerability value from 1-5 (1 is very low vulnerability, 5 is very high vulnerability) based on the potential magnitude of its contribution to physical changes on the coast as sea level rises (Table 1).

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