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In cooperation with the Texas Department of Transportation

Synthesis of Rainfall and Runoff Data Used for Texas Department of Transportation Research Projects 0–4193 and 0–4194

By William H. Asquith, David B. Thompson, Theodore G. Cleveland, and Xing Fang

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2004–1035—ONLINE ONLY
TxDOT Research Reports 0–4193–2 and 0–4194–2

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text pdf (15.2 MB)

appendix A pdf (1.73 MB)

appendix B pdf (1.83 MB)




Rainfall-Runoff Database


Rainfall Data—Hyetographs

Runoff Data—Hydrographs

Quality Control and Quality Assurance




Appendix A

Hyetograph Data Files

austin Database Module

dallas Database Module

fortworth Database Module

sanantonio Database Module

smallruralsheds Database Module

Appendix B

Hydrograph Data Files

austin Database Module

dallas Database Module

fortworth Database Module

sanantonio Database Module

smallruralsheds Database Module


1.  Map showing locations of USGS streamflow-gaging stations represented in the database
2.  Directory structure of the austin database module
3.  Directory structure of the dallas database module
4.  Directory structure of the fortworth database module
5.  Directory structure of the sanantonio database module
6.  Directory structure of the smallruralsheds database module
7.  Example hyetograph data file austin/ShoalCreek/sta08156800_d/hyetos/rain_sta08156800_1981_0523.dat from the austin database module
8.  Hyetographs for austin database module—401 storm events represented
9.  Hyetographs for dallas database module—240 storm events represented
10.  Hyetographs for fortworth database module—194 storm events represented
11.  Hyetographs for sanantonio database module—215 storm events represented
12.  Hyetographs for smallruralsheds database module—607 storm events represented
13.  Example hydrograph data file austin/ShoalCreek/sta08156800_d/hyetos/unit_sta08156800_1981_0523.dat from the austin database module
14.  Location map for austin database module adopted from Gordon, Pate, and Slagle, 1988
15.  Location map for dallas database module adopted from Wood, Butler, and Benton, 1981
16.  Location map for fortworth database module adopted from Slade, Taylor, and Haynes, 1979
17.  Location map for sanantonio database module adopted from Perez, 1983
18.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Cow Bayou watershed adopted from Mitchell and Wehmeyer, 1977
19.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Green Creek watershed adopted from Hampton, 1971
20.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Little Pond and North Elm Creek watersheds adopted from Mitchell, 1974
21.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Deep Creek watershed adopted from Hejl, 1972
22.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Mukewater Creek watershed adopted from Lee, 1975
23.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Calaveras Creek watershed adopted from Reddy, 1971
24.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Escondido Creek watershed adopted from Steger, 1973
25.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Elm Fork Trinity River watershed adopted from Lucero, 1973
26.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Honey Creek watershed adopted from Hampton, 1973
27.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Little Elm Creek watershed adopted from Slade and Taylor, 1978
28.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for North Creek watershed adopted from Kidwell, 1979
29.  Location map for smallruralsheds database module for Pin Oak Creek watershed adopted from Hampton, 1974


1.  U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations within the austin database module
2.  U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations within the dallas database module
3.  U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations within the fortworth database module
4.  U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations within the sanantonio database module
5.  U.S. Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations within the smallruralsheds database module


The authors recognize the contributions of the following TxDOT personnel: George Herrmann, San Angelo District, Project Director 0–4193; Amy Ronnfeldt, Design Division (Austin), Project Director 0–4194; David Stolpa, Design Division (Austin), Program Coordinator for Projects 0–4193 and 0–4194.


In the early 2000s, the Texas Department of Transportation funded several research projects to examine the unit hydrograph and rainfall hyetograph techniques for hydrologic design in Texas for the estimation of design flows for stormwater drainage systems. A research consortium comprised of Lamar University, Texas Tech University, the University of Houston, and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), was chosen to examine the unit hydrograph and rainfall hyetograph techniques. Rainfall and runoff data collected by the USGS at 91 streamflow-gaging stations in Texas formed a basis for the research. These data were collected as part of USGS small-watershed projects and urban watershed studies that began in the late 1950s and continued through most of the 1970s; a few gages were in operation in the mid-1980s. Selected hydrologic events from these studies were available in the form of over 220 printed reports, which offered the best aggregation of hydrologic data for the research objectives. Digital versions of the data did not exist. Therefore, significant effort was undertaken by the consortium to manually enter the data into a digital database from the printed record. The rainfall and runoff data for over 1,650 storms were entered. To enhance data integrity, considerable quality-control and quality-assurance efforts were conducted as the database was assembled and after assembly to enhance data integrity. This report documents the database and informs interested parties on its usage.

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