Los Angeles and San Diego Margin High-Resolution Multibeam Bathymetry and Backscatter DataOpen-File Report 2004-1221 |
ESRI ArcInfo GRID Format DataThis Open-File Report contains the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data that the USGS, Western Region, Coastal and Marine Geology Team has processed into GIS ready formats as of April 2004. The data are available in ESRI ArcInfo GRID (UTM, zone 11 projection) and XYZ (geographic coordinates) formats. |
ESRI ArcInfo GRID Download Instructions
These datasets in their present form were not originally intended for publication. The bathymetry and backscatter have data-collection and processing artifacts. These data are being made public to fulfill a Freedom of Information Act request. Care must be taken not to confuse artifacts with real seafloor morphology and acoustic backscatter. Downloading files can sometimes be problematic. Different web browsers and operating systems act differently. The instructions above may vary from system to system or may not work at all. One possible problem when downloading a file using Netscape is the *.tgz extension automatically changes to *.tar and the file does not uncompress correctly. If this is the case, change the *.tar back to *.tgz and uncompress as normal.
* NOTE: Acoustic backscatter strength has been converted from decibels (dB) to a non-dimensional digital number (DN) using the conversion, Absolute Value(2DN/dB) Projection Information This data is not to be used for navigation FGDC Compliant Metadata for ESRI ArcInfo GRID format
http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2004/1221/datagrd.html |