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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2004-1243

Seismic reflection and refraction data acquired in Canada Basin, Northwind Ridge and Northwind Basin, Arctic Ocean in 1988, 1992 and 1993.

Cruise history
Data acquisition methods
Data processing
Data tables
Navigation Data
References cited

Figure 2

Map of Amerasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean adjacent to Alaska, showing physiographic features including Northwind Ridge and Northwind Basin. - Thumbnail

Full-size (108 KB)

Map of Amerasia Basin of the Arctic Ocean adjacent to Alaska, showing physiographic features including Northwind Ridge and Northwind Basin. The U.S.-Canadian boundary is unofficial. Bathymetry contours generated with Generic Mapping Tools using the ETOPO2 world-wide gridded 2-minute database:


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maintained by Michael Diggles
last modified 17 May 2004 (pjt)

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U.S. Department of the Interior   U.S. Geological Survey   Geologic Division
Coastal & Marine Geology Program   Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology