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Data from Stratigraphic Test Holes Drilled at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, 1994–2001, and Periodic Water Levels, 2000–2003

Open-File Report 2004–1434
By Beth M. Wrege and Philip S. Jen


  1. Map showing location of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina
  2. Stratigraphic units beneath the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina
  3. Map showing locations of stratigraphic test wells, vertical seismic profile wells, and seismic surveys at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina
  4. Map showing location of Strat-1 well
  5. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-1 test hole
  6. Strat-1 monitoring-well construction report
  7. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-1 monitoring well, September 2000–August 2002
  8. Map showing location of Strat-2 well
  9. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-2 test hole
  10. Strat-2 monitoring-well construction report
  11. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-2 monitoring well, September 2000–August 2002
  12. Map showing location of Strat-3 well
  13. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-3 test hole
  14. Strat-3 monitoring-well construction report
  15. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-3 monitoring well, February 2001–August 2002
  16. Map showing location of Strat-4 well
  17. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-4 test hole
  18. Strat-4 monitoring-well construction report
  19. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-4 monitoring well, September 2000–May 2002
  20. Map showing location of Strat-5 well
  21. Photographs of the mud-rotary wire-line core rig used to drill the Strat-5 borehole
  22. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-5 test hole
  23. Strat-5 monitoring-well construction report
  24. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-5 monitoring well, September 2000–May 2002
  25. Hydrograph showing continuous daily mean ground-water levels in Strat-5 monitoring well for water year 2002
  26. Hydrograph showing continuous daily mean ground-water levels in Strat-5 monitoring well for the period of record
  27. Map showing location of Strat-6 well
  28. 28a. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-6 test hole displayed to a depth of 250 feet, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
    28b. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-6 test hole, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina.
  29. Strat-6 monitoring-well construction report
  30. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-6 monitoring well, September 2000–August 2002
  31. Map showing location of Strat-7 well
  32. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-7 test hole
  33. Strat-7 monitoring-well construction report
  34. Hydrograph showing ground-water levels in Strat-7 monitoring well, September 2000–May 2002
  35. Map showing location of Strat-8 well
  36. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-8 test hole
  37. Strat-8 monitoring-well construction report
  38. Map showing location of Strat-9 test hole
  39. Selected borehole geophysical logs collected in Strat-9 test hole
  40. Section of seismic data collected along the Slocum line, U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina


  1. Selected records and borehole geophysical logs collected in stratigraphic test holes at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, 1994 –2001
  2. Well-construction records for stratigraphic test holes at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, 1994 –2001
  3. Lithologic log for Strat-1 test hole
  4. Periodic water levels in Strat-1 monitoring well
  5. Lithologic log for Strat-2 test hole
  6. Periodic water levels in Strat-2 monitoring well
  7. Core interval and recovery from Strat-3 test hole
  8. Lithologic log for Strat-3 test hole
  9. Periodic water levels in Strat-3 monitoring well
  10. Core interval and recovery from Strat-4 test hole
  11. Lithologic log for Strat-4 test hole
  12. Periodic water levels in Strat-4 monitoring well
  13. Lithologic log for Strat-5 test hole
  14. Periodic water levels in Strat-5 monitoring well
  15. Continuous ground-water levels recorded for water year 2001 in the Strat-5 monitoring well
  16. Continuous ground-water levels recorded for water year 2002 in the Strat-5 monitoring well
  17. Lithologic log for Strat-6 test hole
  18. Periodic water levels in Strat-6 monitoring well
  19. Lithologic log for Strat-7 test hole
  20. Periodic water levels in Strat-7 monitoring well
  21. Lithologic log for Strat-8 test hole
  22. Lithologic log for Strat-9 test hole
  23. Field surveys conducted to collect land seismic data at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina, 1994 –2000
  24. Station location data and elevation inflection points for seismic surveys at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina


Multiply by To obtain

inch (in.) 2.54 centimeter (cm)
foot (ft) 0.3048 meter (m)
mile (mi) 1.609 kilometer (km)
square mile (mi2) 2.590 square kilometer (km2)
gallons per minute (gal/min) 0.06309 liter per second (L/s)
pound, avoirdupois (lb) 0.4536 kilogram (kg)

SEISMIC DATA are in metric units.

Multiply by To obtain

centimeter (cm) 0.3937 inch (in.)
millimeter (mm) 0.03937 inch (in.)
meter (m) 3.281 foot (ft)

Temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) can be converted to degrees Fahrenheit (°F) as follows:

°F = (1.8 x °C) + 32

Temperature in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) can be converted to degrees Celsius (°C) as follows:

°C = (°F - 32) / 1.8

Horizontal (latitude and longitude) coordinate information is referenced to the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83).

Vertical coordinate information is referenced to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 29). For the purpose of this publication, the term sea level is used to represent the 0-foot altitude as referenced to NGVD 29.

Acronyms used in this report:

CMP common midpoint
DCP data-collection platform
KGS Kansas Geological Survey
MCAS Marine Corps Air Station
MMHOS/M millimhos per meter
NWIS National Water Information System
PVC polyvinyl chloride
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
USGS U.S. Geological Survey
VSP vertical seismic profile

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