Volume ratios presented here relate the volume (Vm) of one mole of 100% methane
gas at the relevant in-situ pressure and temperature to the volume (VSTP) of one
mole of the same gas at standard conditions. Standard temperature and pressure (STP) are
defined as T = 0°C or 273.15 K, P=1 atmosphere or 0.101325 MPa. At STP,
Vm = 22,346 cm3/mol = VSTP.
Volume Ratio = VSTP/Vm
Volume ratio can be seen as an expansion factor describing the expected change in volume
in bringing the methane from depth conditions to standard surface conditions. For dry gas, it
is the reciprocal of the formation-volume factor (Hagoort, 1988). In this report, all volumes
are compared back to the same standard temperature and pressure condition (STP). This
approach facilitates estimation of resource volumes and allows direct comparison with gas
yields from other settings.