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USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1187

Archival Policies and Collections Database for the Woods Hole Science Center's Marine Sediment Samples

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Introduction: provides a brief overview of the policies and practices laid out in this publication and describes the need for implementing these guidelines for the Wood Hole Science Center's sample collections.

Sample Acquisition & Registration: details the procedures and protocol followed for obtaining and cataloging incoming samples.

Sample Storage: gives information as to the capacity of the storage units available to the Woods Hole Science Center, as well as storage methodology and duration.

Sharing Samples: provides links to forms to keep track of outgoing loans and samples changing custody.

Deaccession & Disposition: details the procedures for removing samples from the WHSC's collections.

Database: describes the way in which collection metadata, as well as storage information are presented. All attributes and their definitions are provided.

Data Catalog: provides links to the database as well as shapefiles and metadata used in a Geographic Information System (GIS) for the archive.

Glossary: gives a listing of relevant terms used in this publication and their definitions as they pertain to this subject matter of collections management for geological collections.

References Cited: contains the references cited in this publication, as well as other helpful sources.

Contacts: lists the contact names and information for various issues such as accessing the collections, researching field activities and querying the laboratory analyses and facilities.

Acknowledgments: recognizes the individuals who have contributed advice and input to the production of this report.

Resources: provides links to marine geological archives in and outside the USGS, as well as PDF and HTML forms for use by the Woods Hole Science Center's archive, and labels for use in storage organization.

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