References Cited
Bachmann, K. and Rushfield, A.R., 1992, Principles of Storage, in Bachmann, K., ed., 1992, Conservation Concerns - A Guide for Collectors and Curators: Washington, DC, Smithsonian Institution Press, 160 p.
Folk, R.L., 1954, The distinction between grain size and mineral composition in sedimentary rock nomenclature: Journal of Geology, v. 62, no. 4, p. 344-359.
Folk, R.L., 1974, The petrology of sedimentary rocks: Austin, Tex., Hemphill Publishing Co., 182 p.
Neal, A., Haglund, K., and Webb, E., 1994, Evolving a Policy Manual, in Fahy, A., ed., 1994, Collections Management (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies): New York, Routledge, 304 p.
National Research Council, Committee on the Preservation of Geoscience Data and Collections, 2002, Geoscience Data and Collections - National Resources in Peril: Washington, D.C., National Academy Press, 107 p.
Perry, K.D., 1980, The Museum Forms Book (3d ed.): Austin, Tex., Texas Association of Museums, 461 p.
Poppe, L.J., Williams, S.J., and Paskevich, V.F., 2005, USGS East-Coast sediment analysis; Procedures, database, and GIS data: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1001, DVD-ROM, supercedes 00-358. Available online.
Other Helpful References
Fox, M.J., Wilkerson, P.L., and Warren, S.R., eds., 1998, Introduction to archival organization and description: Los Angeles, Getty Research Institute, 66 p.
Knell, S.J., ed., 1994, Care of collections (Leicester Readers in Museum Studies): New York, Routledge, 282 p.
Hopkins, T.L., 1964, A survey of marine bottom samplers (PDF format)*: Progress in Oceanography, v. 2, p. 213-256.
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