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U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1247

High-resolution chirp seismic reflection data acquired from the Cap de Creus shelf and canyon area, Gulf of Lions, Spain in 2004

 Data Acquisition and Processing

Single-channel chirp seismic reflection data were acquired using an Edgetech 512i subbottom of the research vessel at a depth of approximately 15 meters and at a ship speed of approximately 4 knots. A 30 ms swept-frequency (500 to 7200 Hz) "chirp" source signal was emitted 1 to 4 times per second depending on water depth and the returning reflections were detected by hydrophones located along the bottom of the fish. The data were digitally recorded by an on-board PC-based Delph Seismic recording system. Differential GPS position fixes were written into the seismic data trace headers and are also available in an ASCII text file.

The seismic profiles were converted from Delph Seimic proprietary format to standard SEG-Y format and to CGM plot files using Paradigm Focus software. Then the CGM files were converted to 300 dots per inch JPEG image file using Larson CGM to Image software. The SEG-Y data files and the JPEG image files are available for download from this on-line report file.

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For more information, contact: Eric Grossman
maintained by Michael Diggles
last modified October 13, 2006 (mfd)