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Open File Report 2007-1422

EAARL Topography-Gulf Islands National Seashore-Florida

John C. Brock1, C. Wayne Wright2, Amar Nayegandhi 3, Matt Patterson4, Iris Wilson4 and Laurinda J. Travers5

1USGS, FISC St. Petersburg, FL, 2NASA,Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA, 3ETI Professionals, USGS, St. Petersburg, FL, 4NPS, South Florida/Caribbean Network Inventory and Monitoring Program, Miami, FL, 5Eckerd College, Contracted to USGS, St. Petersburg, FL

This Web site contains 33 lidar-derived bare earth topography maps and GIS files for the Gulf Islands National Seashore - Florida.

Click on a tile number (1-33) in the graphic below to view the corresponding map as a PDF file.

To expedite download times and to prevent any possible errors, right click on the desired PDF map tile and save the file to disk. If you require all of the map tiles or would like a copy of the Open-File Report in DVD format, please contact: Emily Klipp in the USGS, FISC St. Petersburg office:

Map of Gulf Island National Seashore map tiles Tile 30 Tile 31 Tile 32 Tile 33 Tile 18 Tile 19 Tile 20 Tile 21 Tile 22 Tile 23 Tile 24 Tile 25 Tile 26 Tile 27 Tile 28 Tile 29 Tile 12 Tile 2 Tile 3 Tile 4 Tile 13 Tile 14 Tile 15 Tile 16 Tile 17 Tile 5 Tile 6 Tile 7 Tile 8 Tile 9 Tile 10 Tile 11 Tile 1

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