This dataset is a subset of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Coastal Relief Model (CRM) in which topographic data from USGS 3-arc-second digital elevation models (DEM) and Shuttle Radar Topography data (SRTM) are combined with U.S. National Ocean Service (NOS) Hydrographic database to create seamless topographic-bathymetric image along the conterminous U.S. coastal zone, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii (Divins and Metzger, 2009). The CRM provides a comprehensive view of US coastal lands and adjacent offshore waters. The offshore extent is based on the NOS data supporting a continuous view of the seafloor (
Divins, D.L., and D. Metzger, 2009, NGDC Coastal Relief Model, <>
Software: online access
The geographic grid was then reprojected to a UTM projection, zone 19N, WGS84 using ArcCatalog's Data Management Tools, Projections and Transformations, Raster, Project Raster. A Geographic Transformation NAD1983 to WGS1984_8 was used to transform horizontal datum from NAD83 to WGS84.
A color map ranging from blues to greens was defined for the resulting grid within ArcMap using the Legend Classifier within VACExtras, version 1.8, in order to define multiple intervals for the classified symbology: 5 meter interval between -55 and -20 depth, 1 meter interval between -20 depths and 20 elevations, and 5 meter interval 20 to 110 meter elevations.
A hillshade was then generated using Spatial Analyst, Surface Analyst, Hillshade feature. The parameters used were: Azimuth: 315, Altitude: 45, Z factor: 10, and output cell size: 92.499695 (default).
The CRM grid was displayed within ArcMap with 40 percent transparency. The hillshade was displayed with the CRM grid to display a color-encoded shaded relief image of the CRM grid.
The display of the color-encoded shaded relief image was then saved as a TIF image by using File, Export Map within ArcMap using the following parameters: 24-bit true color, no compression, write GeoTIFF Tags. This method reduced the resolution from the original 90-m grid cell size to a 135-m cell size.
Software: ESRI ArcGIS 9.2
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