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USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1288

Geophysical Data Collected off the South Shore of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts

Geographic Information System Data Catalog

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  1. Data Access
  2. Raster and Vector Data Description
  3. Data Preview

1. Data Access
The spatial data in this report are delivered in two different formats:

  • raster data
  • vector data

Selected raster and vector data can be viewed within an ArcMap™ 9.2 map document (2008-1288.mxd). Refer to the “Raster and Vector Data Description” section below for details on file descriptions and locations.

Raster data: Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) M, Zone 19N, WGS84 Datum.
Vector data: Geographic Coordinate System, WGS84 Datum.

Viewing the data:
The data can be accessed in several ways depending on software availability:

Viewing the map documents:
ArcGIS® 9.2 or higher:

To download the data from the Web, copy the GIS_Catalog folder or the GIS_Catalog zip file (approximately 790 megabytes (MB)) to a local computer and open the ArcMap™ 9.2 map document 2008-1288.mxd. This map document is saved with relative paths to the data files. As long as the file structure remains the same under the parent directory (GIS_Catalog) there is no need to change drive letters or pathways. Approximately 2 gigabytes (GB) of free space is needed in order to save and extract the data to a local drive.

Data download:
Raster and vector data are stored and compressed within zip files in order to facilitate Web downloads. WinZip® files of the individual data layers are linked within the Data Preview section. Data Preview also lists specific download instructions.

Raster grids are stored as ESRI® binary grid format in the GIS_Catalog (included in the file) and as ASCII raster files within individual data-set zip files. The ASCII raster files can be converted easily to ESRI® grid format in ArcGIS® with Spatial Analyst extension (ASCII to Raster). Vector data are stored as shapefiles within the zip file.

If WinZip® is not currently installed on the local system, go to WinZip® to download the latest version of the WinZip® utility.

2. Data Description

This section describes the location of the raster and vector data within the directory structure of the Web page. Raster data are delivered as ESRI® Binary Grids, ASCII Raster Grids, or TIFF images. Vector data are delivered as ESRI® Shapefiles. Text files are delivered as CSV files.

Grid: floating point ASCII with ESRI® header (included within individual dataset zip files) and ESRI® binary grid format within the file.

Image: binary image (TIFF, GeoTIFF, and JPEG formats).

Shapefile: ESRI® file format for point, polyline, or polygon vector data.

Text Files: CSV files and raw data files.


This folder contains:


  1. mv_topobath.tif – Image: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Geophysical Data Center (NGDC) Coastal Relief Model of southeastern coast of Massachusetts.
  2. MVCO.shp– Point Shapefile: Locations of the WHOI MVCO components


  1. bathy_2m – Grid: Bathymetry at 2-m resolution
  2. bathy_2mh – Grid: Bathymetric hillshade at 2-m resolution
  3. bathy_2m_csh – GeoTIFF: Color shaded-relief bathymetry at 2-m resolution
  4. con_5m – Polyline Shapefile: 5-m bathymetric contours
  5. svp.shp – Point Shapefile: Location of sound velocity profiles (SVP)


This folder contains JPEG images of charts displaying the sound velocity profiles collected during USGS Cruise 07011 and CSV files containing the sound velocity profile data.

The JPG images are hotlinked to the svp locations shapefile (svp.shp) within the ArcMap™ 9.2 map document 2008-1288.mxd.

Using hotlink within ArcGIS 9.2 or higher:

In order to hotlink to these data, the shapefile must be selected within the Table of Contents. The hotlink feature (lightning bolt Image of a lightning bolt) within the tools menu can then be used to display the SVP chart associated with an individual map object.

  • Open 2008-1288.mxd
  • Select shapefile of interest (that is, svp.shp) in the Table of Contents
  • Select the lightning bolt tool (Image of a lightning bolt) and click on a map object to view an image of the data.


This folder contains the raw HYPACK®, Inc., navigation stored in individual Julian Day directories (Julian Days 221 through 225). These data are not incorporated in the ArcMap™ 9.2 map document 2008-1288.mxd. They are included in this report in order to provide the raw Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) navigation associated with the USGS Cruise 07011. Individual navigation files stored within each Julian Day directory were saved in HYPACK® format. File name convention is LLL_TTTT.DDD, where LLL is the HYPACK® line number, TTTT is the 24 hour time for the beginning of the file, and DDD is the Julian Day. A full description of these data is included in the metadata linked within the table below, Data Preview.


  1. samples – Point Shapefile: Beach and seafloor samples collected in 2005 and 2007
  2. samples_csv.csv – CSV file: Beach and seafloor samples collected in 2005 and 2007. Contains the same data as the samples point shapefile.


This folder contain JPEG images of seismic-reflection profiles. These images are hotlinked to the geophysical tracklines within the ArcMap™ 9.2 map document 2008-1288.mxd. See description under SVP for instructions on accessing hotlinks in map documents.


  1. sonar_05m.tif – GeoTIFF Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution (TIFF)
  2. sonar_05m_str.tif – GeoTIFF Image: Sidescan-sonar mosaic at 0.5-m resolution with a linear stretch applied (TIFF)


** Within 2008-1288.mxd: Seismic-reflection tracklines are hotlinked to JPEGs stored within the“Seisimage” directory. **

  1. bathy_10sec.shp – Point Shapefile: 10-s navigation for swath bathymetric data
  2. bathy_trknav.shp – Polyline Shapefile: Swath bathymetric tracklines
  3. seismic_100sht.shp – Point Shapefile: Shot points at 100-shot interval for seismic data
  4. seismic_500sht.shp – Point Shapefile: Shot points at 500-shot interval for seismic data
  5. seismic_trknav.shp – Polyline Shapefile: Seismic tracklines
  6. sonar_1min.shp – Point Shapefile: 1-minute navigation for sidescan-sonar data
  7. sonar_trknav.shp – Polyline Shapefile: Sidescan-sonar tracklines

Map document:

2008-1288.mxd – ArcMap™ 9.2 map document containing selected data layers described above.

3. Data Preview

Downloading data:
To download raster and vector data, right click on the link within the 'Download zip file' column in the table below. 'Save Target As...' to save a compressed WinZip® file to the local hard drive. If WinZip® is not currently installed on the local system, go to WinZip® to download the latest version of the WinZip® utility.

File description

File name (Metadata)

View File format File location Download zip file

NOAA NGDC Coastal Relief Model



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image GeoTIFF Image GIS_catalog/Basemaps (609 KB)

WHOI MVCO Locations

(Geographic Coordinate System)


Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Basemaps (35 KB)

Bathymetry (2-m cell size)




Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Grid 32 bit floating point (ASCII raster in zip file) GIS_catalog/Bathy (8 MB)

Bathymetric Hillshade (2-m cell size)




Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Grid 8 bit integer (ASCII raster in zip file) GIS_catalog/Bathy (5 MB)

Color Shaded-Relief Bathymetric Image (2-m cell size)



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image GeoTIFF Image GIS_catalog/Bathy (24 MB)

5-meter Bathymetric Contours

(Geographic Coordinate System)


Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Polylines GIS_catalog/Bathy (100 KB)

Sound Velocity Profile Locations

(Geographic Coordinate System)


Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Bathy (36 KB)

Charts of Sound Velocity Profiles


Chart of sound velocity profiles, and link to larger image JPEG Image GIS_catalog/Bathy/svp (247 KB)

Sound Velocity Profiles


No Image Comma Separated Value Files (*.csv) GIS_catalog/Bathy/svp (40 KB)

HYPACK Navigation


No Image HYPACK raw navigation files GIS_catalog/Nav (27 MB)

Sample Locations

(Geographic Coordinate System)


Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Samples (54 KB)

Sample Locations


No Image Comma Separated Value Files (*.csv) GIS_catalog/Samples (44 KB)

Seismic-Reflection Profiles


Thumbnail image of representative seismic image, and link to larger image JPEG GIS_catalog/Seisimage (135 MB)

Sidescan-Sonar Mosaic (0.5-m cell size)




Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image TIFF 8 bit integer GIS_catalog/Sonar (80 MB)

Sidescan-Sonar Mosaic with linear stretch (0.5-m cell size)




Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image TIFF 8 bit integer GIS_catalog/Sonar (80 MB)

10-second Interval Trackline Navigation - Swath Bathymetry



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points

GIS_catalog/Tracklines (1.2 MB)

Swath Bathymetric Tracklines



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Polylines GIS_catalog/Tracklines (366 KB)

100-interval Seismic Shots



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Tracklines (550 KB)

500-interval Seismic Shots



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Tracklines (184 KB)

Seismic Shots



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Tracklines (9 MB)

Seismic Tracklines



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Polylines GIS_catalog/Tracklines (2 MB)

1-minute Interval Sidescan-Sonar Navigation



Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Points GIS_catalog/Tracklines (266 KB)

Sidescan-Sonar Tracklines


sonar_trknav.shp Thumbnail image of GIS layer preview, and link to larger image ESRI Shapefile Polylines GIS_catalog/Tracklines (84 KB)

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Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 07-Dec-2016 21:27:09 EST