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Open-File Report 2009-1129

Aeromagnetic and Aeroradiometric Data for the Conterminous United States and Alaska from the National Uranium Resource Evaluation (NURE) Program of the U.S. Department of Energy

By Patricia L. Hill¹, Robert P. Kucks¹, and Dhananjay Ravat²

¹U.S. Geological Survey
²University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Wisconsin and Michigan NURE Aeromagnetic and Aeroradiometric Data

Wisconsin and Michigan Quadrangle Index Map

Image Map for selecting quadrangles in Wisconsin and Michigan. Equivalent text links provided below.

Quadrangles without NURE magnetic and radiometric data
  • Thunder Bay

Links Associated with this Report

USGS National Geophysical Database project
NURE Airborne Data Files and Formats
Go directly to the USGS digital magnetics site.
Go directly to the USGS digitized magnetics site.

This report is preliminary and has not been reviewed for conformity with U.S. Geological Survey editorial standards. Use of brand names is for descriptive purposes and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S. Geological Survey.
Last modified 07/31/2009.
Thunder Bay Quadrangle Two Harbors Quadrangle Hancock Quadrangle Duluth Quadrangle Ashland Quadrangle Iron River Quadrangle Marquette Quadrangle Sault Sainte Marie Quadrangle Blind River Quadrangle Stillwater Quadrangle Rice Lake Quadrangle Iron Mountain Quadrangle Escanaba Quadrangle Cheboygan Quadrangle Alpena Quadrangle Saint Paul Quadrangle Eau Claire Quadrangle Green Bay Quadrangle Manitowoc Quadrangle Traverse City Quadrangle Tawas City Quadrangle La Crosse Quadrangle Madison Quadrangle Milwaukee Quadrangle Midland Quadrangle Flint Quadrangle Dubuque Quadrangle Rockford Quadrangle Racine Quadrangle Grand Rapids Quadrangle Detroit Quadrangle Chicago Quadrangle Fort Wayne Quadrangle Toledo Quadrangle Image Map for selecting quadrangles in Wisconsin and Michigan. Equivalent text links provided below.

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