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Open-File Report 2009–1298

Digital Mapping Techniques '08— Workshop Proceedings


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Introduction [PDF]
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Summary of DMT'08 Discussion Sessions [PDF]
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Oral Presentations

The National Geologic Map Database Project: 2008 Report of Progress [PDF]
By David R. Soller and Nancy R. Stamm (U.S. Geological Survey)

The Transition from Traditional to Digital Mapping: Maintaining Data Quality while Increasing Geologic Mapping Efficiency in Alaska [PDF]
By Jennifer E. Athey, Lawrence K. Freeman, and Kenneth A. Woods (Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys)

The State of the State Data: An End-User's Perspective [PDF]
By Mark Zellman, David Slayter, Ranon Dulberg, Marco Ticci, Kevin Whaley, Jeff Hemphill, and Jason Finley (William Lettis and Associates, Inc.)

Rescuing Legacy Digital Data: Maps Stored in Adobe IllustratorTM Format [PDF]
By Andrew L. Wunderlich and Robert D. Hatcher Jr. (Tectonics and Structural Geology Research Group, University of Tennessee, Knoxville)

Vocabularies for Geoscience Information Interchange [PDF]
By Stephen M. Richard (Arizona Geological Survey / U.S. Geological Survey) and David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

A Classification of Geologic Materials for Web Display of National and Regional-Scale Mapping [PDF]
By David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Kentucky Field Data Entry Tools Developed in ArcIMS [PDF]
By Gerald A. Weisenfluh and Douglas C. Curl (Kentucky Geological Survey)

Defining a Three-Dimensional Geologic Map for the Appalachian Plateau [PDF]
By Gayle H. McColloch, Jr., and Jane S. McColloch (West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey)

Online Manuscript Review Process: Using Adobe Acrobat Review and Comment Features [PDF]
By Richard T. Hill (Indiana Geological Survey)

Poster Presentations

Bringing Geological Mapping into the Digital Era—A Finnish Case [PDF]
By By Niina Ahtonen, Hannu Idman, Esa Kauniskangas, Jarmo Kohonen, Jyrki Kokkonen, Jouni Luukas, Jukka-Pekka Palmu, and Jouni Vuollo (Geological Survey of Finland)

Creating a Virtual Geologic Map and Field Trip of the St. George 30' x 60' Quadrangle, Washington County, Utah: An Adventure in Google Earth [PDF]
By Kent D. Brown, Lance B. Weaver, and Robert F. Biek (Utah Geological Survey)

Digital Mapping Process of Seismic Design Category Information for Residential Construction in Washington [PDF]
By Recep Cakir and Timothy J. Walsh (Washington State Department of Natural Resources)

Digital Map Production and Publication at the Geological Survey of Alabama [PDF]
By Philip A. Dinterman (Geological Survey of Alabama)

Creating Geologic Maps for the Appalachian Plateau in a GIS Environment [PDF]
By Jane S. McColloch and Gayle H. McColloch, Jr. (West Virginia Geological and Economic Survey)

Project Management GIS Applications and Tools for Coastal-Erosion Mapping in Ohio [PDF]
By James McDonald (Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey)

Geologic Content Specification for a Single-Map Database [PDF]
By Stephen M. Richard (Arizona Geological Survey / U.S. Geological Survey), and David R. Soller (U.S. Geological Survey)

Sharing Technical Information with Nontechnical Users—An Example from the Monterey Bay Area Quaternary Fault Atlas [PDF]
By Lewis I. Rosenberg (Tierra Geoscience)

Washington Geological Survey GIS Statewide Landslide Database—From Design to Implementation [PDF]
By Isabelle Y. Sarikhan and Kelsay M.D. Stanton (Washington Division of Geology and Earth Resources)

Improving the Legibility of Base Maps for Geologic Mapping at the Missouri Division of Geology and Land Survey [PDF]
By Edith Starbuck and Karen Loveland (Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Land Survey)

Investigation of Geographic Rules for Improving Site-Conditions Mapping [PDF]
By Chris Wills and Carlos Gutierrez (California Geological Survey)

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