More information about the individual USGS surveys conducted as part of the northern Cape Cod Bay project can be found on the Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Science Center Field Activity webpage:
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2) Convert resolution of input raster (BlockSt_ccb_1) from 5-m per pixel to 50-m per pixel using the aggregate tool in ArcToolbox (ver. 9.3) Input raster = BlockSt_ccb_1, Output raster aggr10x, Cell Factor = 10 Aggregation technique = mean, Expand extent if needed = Unchecked, Ignore NoData in calculations = Unchecked
2) Make Feature Layer: This tool makes a feature layer using only contours with shape_length greater than 500 m to remove the small closed contours. Input Features = CCBathCntr5mAll, Output Layer = CCBathCntr5mAll_Layer, Expression = Shape_Length > 500
3) Simplify Line: Input Features = CCBathCntr5mAll_Layer, Output Feature Class = CCBathCntr5m_Simple250, Simplification Algorithm = Bend_Simplify, Reference Baseline = 250, Meters, Check for topological errors and Resolve topological errors options were both selected.
4) Smooth Line: Input Features = CCBathCntr5m_Simple250, Output Feature Class = CCBathCntr5m_SimpleSmooth, Smoothing Algorithm = Bezier_Interpolation Handling Topological Errors = No_Check
Tool = DataManagement>Project Input Dataset or Feature Class = CCBathCntr5m_SimpleSmooth (feature class) Output Dataset or Feature Class = CCB_5mCntr.shp (shapefile) Input Coordinate System = WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_19N Output Coordinate System = WGS_1984