Open-File Report 2013–1225
Bathymetry and Acoustic Backscatter—Estero Bay, CaliforniaGeodetic ControlGeodetic control for the survey was established using the IN-Fusion SmartBase feature in the Applanix Position and Orientation System Post-Processing Package Mobile Mapping Suite (POSPac MMS, Version 6.1.4553.15282). IN-Fusion SmartBase is a feature in POSPac MMS that provides inertially aided, carrier-phase differential GNSS for mobile mapping platforms without requiring dedicated base receivers (Applanix, 2012). The software automatically selects a network of permanent GNSS reference stations accessible through the Internet and provides reference receiver coverage over the entire project area. The network of reference stations selected by the software changed slightly each day depending on the exact location of the survey vessel and the quality of the reference station data for the selected day. However, the network usually consisted of the stations shown in table 2, which ranged in distance from the survey area from about 11 km (6.8 mi) to more than 100 km (62 mi). Most of these reference stations were GPS-only, so only the GPS satellite network was used for final processing. If you have trouble reading these tables, please contact the WCMG team.
Table 2. Permanent GNSS reference stations used
by POSPac MMS for geodetic control. Coordinates are
World Geodetic System 1984 (G1150).
For more information, contact the PCMSC team.