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USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013-1284

Shapefile for Coastal Zone Management Program Counties of the United States and Territories, 2009 (CZMP_counties_2009.shp)

List of Figures

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maps showing coastal zone management program counties Figure 1. Maps showing Coastal Zone Management Program counties (blue outlines) in three of the areas covered by the dataset.
screen capture of arcmap identify dialog showing attributes Figure 2. Screen capture of ArcMapTM Identify dialog showing attributes (described in text) for one county equivalent in Alaska.
screen capture of czmp counties viewed in google earth Figure 3. Screen capture of CZMP_counties_2009.kmz viewed in Google EarthTM.

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Page Last Modified: Friday, 13-Dec-2013 16:55:56 EST