Cell size = 2.0 Number of rows = 3978 Number of columns = 2705 Data type = integer Boundary Xmin = 468130.448966 Xmax = 473540.448966 Ymin = 4188062.18695 Ymax = 4196018.18695 Statistics Minimum value = 1 Maximum value = 3 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum NAD83 Units meterThe 10-m Farallon Escarpment seafloor charactermap was originally archived as an ESRI grid with the following attributes:
Cell size = 10.0 Number of rows = 2639 Number of columns = 3301 Data type = integer Boundary Xmin = 461613.644253 Xmax = 494623.644253 Ymin = 4166814.59992 Ymax = 4193204.59992 Statistics Minimum value = 1 Maximum value = 3 Coordinate system description Projection UTM Zone 10 Datum NAD83 Units meter