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FISC - St. Petersburg

Coastal & Marine Geology Program > Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies > Professional Paper 1751

Figure 135. Seismic profile shows 12-m-thick sand accumulation north of Halfmoon Shoal (the more northern of two profile segments in Fig. 129A; from Shinn et al., 1990). Sediment is migrating westward off the Marquesas-Quicksands ridge into deeper water. Left arrow = Pleistocene Q3 Unit of Perkins (1977). Right arrow = top of Pleistocene surface. Latitude and longitude below vertical time lines on profile are given in degrees and decimal minutes based on Loran C TDs (Time Differences). Hours (military time) below coordinates serve as navigational correlation points along seismic line.

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Seismic profile shows 12-m-thick sand accumulation north of Halfmoon Shoal

Coastal & Marine Geology Program > Center for Coastal & Watershed Studies > Professional Paper 1751

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