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![Figure 22.—A, Annual variations of the terminus of Sólheimajökull outlet glacier (blue), southern Iceland, and the mean summer (May–September) temperature (red) at the Stykkishólmur meteorological station, northwestern Iceland, 5-year running mean, 1930–2005. Modified from Sigurõsson (2006, p. 89, fig. 2). The vertical scale is adjusted to facilitate comparison.](images/gallery-2/large/pp1386a2-fig22a.jpg)
Figure 22. A, Annual variations of the terminus of Sólheimajökull outlet glacier (blue), southern Iceland, and the mean summer (May–September) temperature (red) at the Stykkishólmur meteorological station, northwestern Iceland, 5-year running mean, 1930–2005. Modified from Sigurðsson (2006, p. 89, fig. 2). The vertical scale is adjusted to facilitate comparison. |