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Professional Paper 1386–A

Chapter A–4 (Figure 17)

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Figure 17, Freeze-up on the Chena River, Fairbanks, Alaska, in autumn 2001 showing, A, early, thin border ice by the left/north bank and ice pans in the channel on 21 October; B, narrowing of the open channel as the border ice ex-pands away from the banks on 28
October; and C, closure of the channel as a lodgement forms and the pack expands upstream as ice pans are stopped at the blockage on 4 November. Photographs by Martin O. Jeffries, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks .

Figure 17. Freeze-up on the Chena River, Fairbanks, Alaska, in autumn 2001 showing, A, early, thin border ice by the left/north bank and ice pans in the channel on 21 October; B, narrowing of the open channel as the border ice ex-pands away from the banks on 28 October; and C, closure of the channel as a lodgement forms and the pack expands upstream as ice pans are stopped at the blockage on 4 November. Photographs by Martin O. Jeffries, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks.

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